Subalpine communities of dwarf mountain-pine: a habitat favourable for fungi

Author: Ronikier Anna  

Publisher: E. Schweizerbart'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung

ISSN: 0029-5035

Source: Nova Hedwigia, Vol.89, Iss.1-2, 2009-08, pp. : 49-70

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The subalpine dwarf mountain-pine shrubland has rarely been the subject of systematic mycological observations. Studies carried out in one of the massifs in the Tatra Mts. (the Carpathians, southern Poland) over a period of four years demonstrate that moist microhabitats created by Pinus mugo shrubs which form a dense cover protecting the ground from wind and insolation in the mountain climate can be greatly favourable for the development of fungi. The results of mycocoenological observations conducted in the association during four vegetative seasons show that Pinetum mugo carpaticum is very rich in rare fungi despite the absence of funga characteristic of it. Some fungi are closely associated with mountain or boreal habitats.Cortinarius dionysae, E. winterhoffii, Galerina cephalotricha, G. pruinatipes, Mycena aciculata, M. clavicularis, M. cyanorrhiza and Rimbachia neckerae are described and illustrated. Five species are new to Poland and to the Tatra Mts. The present and other previously published data for the regional funga confirm the special character of Pinus mugo habitats.