Oil Spill Remediation :Colloid Chemistry-Based Principles and Solutions

Publication subTitle :Colloid Chemistry-Based Principles and Solutions

Author: Ponisseril Somasundaran  

Publisher: John Wiley & Sons Inc‎

Publication year: 2014

E-ISBN: 9781118825624

P-ISBN(Hardback):  9781118206706

Subject: X55 marine pollution and its prevention

Language: ENG

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This book provides a comprehensive overview of oil spill remediation from the perspectives of policy makers, scientists, and engineers, generally focusing on colloid chemistry phenomena and solutions involved in oil spills and their cleanup.
• First book to address oil spill remediation from the perspective of physicochemical and colloidal science
• Discusses current and emerging detergents used in clean-ups
• Includes chapters from leading scientists, researchers, engineers, and policy makers
• Presents new insights into the possible impact of oil spills on ecosystems as well as preventive measures


1.8 Summary


2 Understanding and Properly Interpreting the 2010 Deepwater Horizon Blowout

2.1 Introduction

2.2 Background

2.2.1 Significant Past Marine Oil Spills

2.2.2 1967 Torrey Canyon Spill

2.2.3 1969 Santa Barbara Blowout

2.2.4 1979 Ixtoc I Blowout

2.2.5 1989 Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

2.3 Brief Summary of Gulf of Mexico Marine Ecosystems

2.4 Brief Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Overview

2.4.1 Before the Deepwater Horizon: An Overview of Offshore Petroleum Extraction

2.4.2 2010 Deepwater Horizon Spill

2.5 Existing Marine Oil Spill Paradigm

2.5.1 Old Oil Spill Scenario: The Vast Majority of Oil and Gas Rises to the Sea Surface and No Dispersants Are Used (for a Shallow-Water, Nearshore Spill)

2.6 A New Conceptual Model for Deepwater Marine Oil Spills

2.7 New Spill Scenario: Oil Is Released at Significant Depth from a Hot, Pressurized Reservoir

2.8 The Need for an Integrative, Interdisciplinary Marine Oil Spill Oceanography

2.9 Conclusions

2.10 Future Research


3 Remediation and Restoration of Northern Gulf of Mexico Coastal Ecosystems Following the Deepwater Horizon Event

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Shoreline Protection during and Following the Spill

3.2.1 Oil Spill Response Administration and Structure

3.2.2 Limitations of Shoreline Protection through Conventional Offshore Treatment

3.2.3 Limitations of Shoreline Protection and Conventional Onshore Treatment

3.3 Advancement through Failure and Innovation

3.3.1 Evaluation of Alternative Response Technologies

3.3.2 Shoreline Interventions

3.3.3 Proving Grounds for Shoreline Remediation and Restoration

3.4 Conclusions


4 Challenges in and Approaches to Modeling the Complexities of Deepwater Oil and Gas Release

4.1 Introduction

4.2 Survey of Available Data

4.3 Descriptions of Physical Mechanisms

4.3.1 Qualitative Dynamics of Two-Phase Plume

4.3.2 Review of Studies on Submerged Jets and Plumes

4.4 Generic Approaches for Multiphase Flow Models

4.5 Sample Model Results

4.6 Concluding Remarks



Greek Letters



5 Oil Films: Some Basic Concepts

5.1 Introduction

5.2 Crude Oil Composition

5.2.1 SARA (Saturates, Aromatics, Resins, Asphaltenes)

5.2.2 Asphaltenes

5.2.3 Naphthenic Acids and Bases

5.3 Oil Films

5.3.1 Introduction

5.3.2 Evaporation

5.3.3 Partitioning

5.3.4 Crude Oil Emulsion

5.3.5 Thin Films



6 Remediating Oilfield Waste and Spills

6.1 Introduction

6.2 Particle-Stabilized Interfaces

6.2.1 Solvent Extraction Crud

6.2.2 Oilfield Waste Management

6.3 Chemical Treatment to Enhance Solid-Stabilized Oil–Water Separation

6.3.1 Separating Oil from Used Oil-Based Drilling Fluids

6.3.2 Separating Oilfield “Slops”

6.4 Summary and Conclusions



7 Multipronged Approach for Oil Spill Remediation

7.1 Introduction

7.2 Microfibrous Sorbents for Oil Removal and Recovery

7.3 Oil Removal Using Froth Flotation Technique

7.4 Use of Greener Bio Dispersants

7.4.1 Emulsan

7.4.2 Sophorolipids

7.4.3 Rhamnolipids

7.5 Lipopeptide: Bacillus Subtilis Biosurfactants and Lipopeptides

7.6 Structure–Property Relationships of Biosurfactants

7.6.1 Interfacial Properties of Sophorolipids

7.6.2 Role of FA-Glu and Surfactin in Oil Dispersion

7.7 Summary and Conclusions



8 Packed-Bed Capillary Microscopy on BP-Oil-Spill Oil in Porous Media

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Water–Oil Two-Phase Transport in Porous Media

8.2.1 Experimental Observation

8.3 How Bacteria May Access Porous-Entrapped Oil

8.3.1 Bacterial Motility in Restrictive Capillaries

8.3.2 Visualization of Bacterial Transport in a Porous Medium Using Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Immunomagnetic Labeling

8.3.3 Motility of Bacteria in Glass-Bead-Packed Porous Medium as Affected by Chemoattractant

8.3.4 Visualization of Bacterial Transport in Cryolite-Packed Porous Medium

8.4 Summary



9 Jameson Cell Technology for Organics Recovery

9.1 Introduction

9.2 Flotation and Water Treatment

9.3 The Jameson Cell for Oil Flotation

9.4 Jameson Cells in Solvent Extraction Treatment

9.5 Oil Sand Flotation

9.6 Summary



10 Development of Gelling Agent for Spilled Oils

10.1 Introduction

10.2 Discovery of Chiral Self-Assembly of Amphiphiles Derived from Optically Active Amino Acid

10.3 Development of Oil Gelling Agent to Treat Spilled Oil

10.3.1 Laboratory Scale Test and Field Demonstration of the Agent to Treat Spilled Oil

10.3.2 System Development for the Spilled Oil Treatment with the Agent

10.3.3 Application of the Agent to the Actual Oil Recovery in Open Sea

10.4 Conclusions



11 Microstructures of Capped Ethylene Oxide Oligomers in Water and N-Hexane

11.1 Introduction

11.2 Results and Discussion

11.3 Conclusions

Appendix: Simulation Specifics


12 Some Colloidal Fundamentals in Oil Spill Remediation: The Water/Surfactant/Hydrocarbon Combination

12.1 Introduction

12.2 Size and Hydrocarbon–Water Dispersions

12.3 Emulsions

12.4 Association Structures and Emulsions

12.5 Spontaneous Emulsification

12.6 Phase Diagrams and Spontaneous Emulsification

12.7 Solid Particles and Oil Film on Water

12.8 Microemulsions

12.9 Potential Future Research Areas

12.10 Conclusions



13 Physicochemical Properties of Heavy Oil–Water Interface in the Context of Oil Removal from Seawater by Froth Flotation

13.1 Introduction

13.2 Materials and Methods

13.2.1 Materials and Sample Preparations

13.2.2 Measurement of Oil–Water Interfacial Properties

13.2.3 Measurement of Coalescence and Induction Times

13.2.4 Microflotation Test

13.3 Results and Discussion

13.3.1 Interfacial Tension and Zeta Potentials

13.3.2 Interactions between Oil Droplets

13.3.3 Air Bubble—Oil Droplet Interactions

13.3.4 Microflotation of Crude Oil

13.4 Conclusions



14 Measurement of Interfacial Tension in Hydrocarbon/ Water/Dispersant Systems at Deepwater Conditions

14.1 Introduction

14.2 Experimental Methodology

14.2.1 Design

14.2.2 Apparatus

14.2.3 Procedure

14.2.4 Fluids

14.3 Results and Discussion

14.3.1 Water Depth Variation

14.3.2 Temperature Variation

14.3.3 Pressure Variation

14.3.4 Water Salinity Variation

14.3.5 Dispersant-in-Oil Concentration Variation

14.4 Summary

14.5 Practical Implications



15 Surfactant Technologies for Remediation of Oil Spills

15.1 Introduction

15.2 Phase Behavior of Surfactant–Oil–Water (SOW) Systems

15.2.1 Phase Diagrams

15.2.2 The Hydrophilic–Lipophilic Difference (HLD) and the Formulation of SOW Systems

15.2.3 The Net-Average Curvature (NAC) Model and the Properties of SOW Systems

15.3 Surfactant Remediation Technologies for Spills in Open Waters

15.3.1 Emulsification and Dispersion

15.3.2 Demulsification and Separation

15.4 Surfactant Remediation Technologies for Spills on Land

15.4.1 Mechanisms of Oil Removal from Solid Surfaces

15.4.2 In Situ Surfactant Flooding

15.4.3 Ex Situ Soil Washing

15.5 Summary and Outlook



16 Role of Structural Forces in Cleaning Soiled Surfaces

16.1 Introduction

16.2 Organic Pollutant Removal from a Solid Surface

16.3 Oil Removal from a Solid Surface

16.4 Outlook



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