1.3. Nomenclature of the projections
1.4. The central projection on the plane
1.4.2. Essential properties
1.5. Proportions and progressions
1.5.1. Arithmetic progression: AB = CD =
1.5.2. Geometric progression: BC/AB = CD/BC = r
1.5.3. Harmonic progression: AB-BC-CD, 1/A, 1/B, 1/C
1.6. The eighth proposal of Euclid
Chapter 2. Main Properties of Central Projections
2.1. Straight lines and conics
2.2. Coherence and cross ratio
2.2.1. Calculation of cross ratio on a circle
2.3. Harmonic relation and regularity
2.4.1. Variations in positions on a straight line
2.4.2. The critical experiment
2.5. Homogeneous coordinates
Chapter 3. Any Scene Carried to a Sphere and the Sphere To a Point
3.1.1. Point and great circle
3.1.3. Tilling of the sphere
3.1.5. Spherical trigonometry
3.2. Cartography of the sphere
3.2.2. Latitude and longitude
3.2.4. Orthodromes and loxodromes
3.2.5. Earth’s surface shape
3.2.7. Properties of the projection
3.3. Projection of the sphere on cylinders
3.3.1. Central projection on the cylinder
3.3.2. Lambert equal-area projection
3.3.3. Mercator projection
3.4. Projection on the plane
3.4.1. Parallel projection
3.4.2. Central projection
3.4.3. Gnomonic projection
3.4.4. Stereographic projection
3.4.5. Stereography versus Mercator projection
3.4.7. Lambert projection
3.4.8. Direct computation of azimuthal projections
3.5. Pseudocylindrical projections
3.5.1. Coordinates transformation from direct to transversal aspect
3.5.3. Mollweide projection, another pseudo-cylindrical projection
3.6.1. Presentation of the method
3.6.2. Exact fulfillment of the aspect ratio constraint
3.6.3. Approximate fulfillment of the aspect ratio constraint
3.6.4. Equal-area cells and constant aspect ratio on the hemisphere
Chapter 4. Geometry And Physics: Radiative Exchanges
4.1. Geometric wave propagation
4.2. The radiosity equation
4.2.2. Lambert diffuse reflection
4.2.3. Interactions between surfaces
4.2.4. Discretization of the radiosity equation
4.2.5. Properties of the radiosity matrix
4.4.2. Solid angle or view factor
4.5. Specular reflection of light and sound