Governance of Marine Fisheries and Biodiversity Conservation
Foreword Árni M. Mathiesen
Foreword Braulio Ferreira de Souza Dias
Preface Serge M. Garcia, Jake Rice and Anthony Charles
List of selected acronyms
Part 1 Governance trends and challenges
Chapter 1 Governance of marine fisheries and biodiversity conservation: A history
Historical developments in fishery governance
Historical developments in biodiversity conservation
Chapter 2 Governance of marine fisheries and biodiversity conservation: Convergence or coevolution?
Selected strands in fishery governance
Selected strands in conservation governance
Parallel strands in conservation and fishery governance
Discussion and conclusion
Chapter 3 Governance of marine fisheries and biodiversity conservation: The integration challenge
Sustainable development backdrop
Integration through interaction
Part 2 Governance dimensions
Chapter 4 Bio-ecological dimensions of fisheries management, biodiversity and governance
Introduction and background
Fisheries management up to the 1990s
The ecological categories of impacts of fishing and their management
Areas of overlap and potential for inconsistencies between fisheries and conservation of biodiversity approaches
Chapter 5 The economic dimension: Addressing behaviour, incentives and context for effective governance
Economic foundations of governance
The economic context of governance
Evolving economic scope of governance
Economic instruments in fisheries and marine conservation
Discussion: Economic instruments and prospects for governance integration
Chapter 6 The social dimension: The challenge of dealing with equity
Introduction: The two cultures
Fisheries management: creating wealth, forgetting about distribution
Conservation: creating values with unequal distribution of costs
Reconciling fisheries management and conservation
Consultation and co-management
Fisheries management and conservation within larger frameworks
Chapter 7 The global legal dimension: Navigating the legal currents of rights and responsibilities
The Law of the Sea Convention
Legally binding global fisheries agreements
The 1995 FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries and its subsidiary documents
Multilateral environmental agreements relevant to the conservation of living marine resources
Global environment and development conferences/summits
UN General Assembly resolutions and processes
Conclusion: Future developments
Chapter 8 Spatial dimensions of fisheries and biodiversity governance
Development of marine spatial governance
The terrestrial heritage of marine governance
Space–time issues in fisheries management
Spatial issues in biodiversity and ecosystem management
Governance shift to a multiple-use framework
Chapter 9 Scientific foundation: Towards integration
Confronting the uncertainty
Complexity, uncertainty, risk and science-based decision-making
Illustrations of complex systems, science and governance
Summary of the challenges to governance
Chapter 10 Global level institutions and processes: Frameworks for understanding critical roles and foundations of cooperation and integration
Establishing some frameworks
Potential strengths and weaknesses of global institutions, organizations and bodies
Chapter 11 Global level institutions and processes: Assessment of critical roles, foundations of cooperation and integration and their contribution to integrated marine governance
The current fabric of key global institutions in marine governance
Chapter 12 Integrative policy and legal instruments, approaches and tools: Fisheries and biodiversity conservation
Integrative concepts and approaches
Relationship between framework and implementation agreements and related instruments
Basis and application of integrated approaches and principles in framework instruments and global policy instruments
Management processes, approaches and tools for integrated implementation
Reinforcing integrated implementation at regional level
Chapter 13 Conservation and risk of extinction of marine species
Early history of the development of criteria for classifying species in terms of extinction risk
Developments in the 1990s
Developments in the 21st century
Chapter 14 Parallel initiatives: CBD’s Ecologically or Biologically Significant Areas (EBSAs) and FAO’s Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs) criteria and processes
Pathways to the separate sets of criteria
Part 4 Regional governance
Chapter 15 Regional governance for fisheries and biodiversity
Legal and institutional framework for regional fisheries governance
Legal and institutional frameworks for regional marine environmental governance
Catalysts for collaboration on fisheries and biodiversity conservation objectives
Chapter 16 Regional governance: The case of NEAFC and OSPAR
Relevant international processes with respect to regional fisheries management and conservation
Strengthening the OSPAR convention (annex V)
Updating the NEAFC convention
Measures implemented individually by NEAFC and OSPAR
Cultural differences between management approaches of the two organizations
Memorandum of understanding between NEAFC and the OSPAR commissions (2008)
Examples of converging approaches
Medium- and long-term expectation
Chapter 17 Regional governance: The Mediterranean cradle
Status of marine biodiversity
Status of marine fisheries
Conclusion and discussion
Chapter 18 CCAMLR and Antarctic conservation: The leader to follow?
International cooperation
Conservation and management
Compliance and enforcement
Performance review and evaluation
Chapter 19 Implementation of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries in the Benguela Current LME area
Implementation of EAF at the regional level
Tracking the implementation of an ecosystem approach to fisheries management in the region
Institutional structures and interactions between biodiversity conservation and fisheries management in the marine environment
Chapter 20 Governance of marine fisheries and conservation in the context of the European Union
The institutional framework and decision making of the European Union
Part 5 National governance
Chapter 21 The use of national frameworks for sustainable development of marine fisheries and conservation, ecosystem-based management and integrated ocean management
National framework for fishery and conservation management in Australia
National framework for fishery and conservation management in Norway
National framework for fishery and conservation management in Canada
Chapter 22 Small-scale fisheries: Importance, vulnerability and deficient knowledge
Small-scale fisheries: An overview
Governance and conservation in SSFs
Misperceptions in science-based governance
Chapter 23 Stewardship in tropical small-scale fisheries: Community and national perspectives
Case study: Towards co-management of sea turtle fisheries in Turks and Caicos Islands
Case study: Ubay, Bohol, Philippines
Chapter 24 Making space for small-scale fishing communities: Use and misuse of spatial management instruments
International instruments informing the development of spatial management tools
Chapter 25 ENGOs and SIDS: Environmental interventions in small island developing states
Environment and fisheries
NGOs and environmental and fisheries interactions
Outcomes and lessons learned
Chapter 26 The role of capacity building for improving governance of fisheries and conservation of marine ecosystems
Capacity building and training for governance
Fisheries governance and marine ecosystem conservation
Capacity building for understanding the ecosystem approach to fisheries
A simple approach for mitigating capacity-building fragmentation
Capacity building in modelling and analysis: Sedentary and low-mobility marine species with MPAs
Capacity building to cope with risks and uncertainties (notably climate change)
Chapter 27 Fishers’ organizations: Their role in decision-making for fisheries and conservation
Country profiles of Norway, Japan and Philippines
FOs and their roles in fisheries governance
Roles of FOs in marine conservation
Chapter 28 The role of courts in fisheries management and marine biodiversity protection: US and EU systems
The role of courts in fisheries management and marine biodiversity conservation in the United States
The role of courts in fisheries management and marine conservation in the European Union
Chapter 29 A tale of two streams: Synthesizing governance of marine fisheries and biodiversity conservation
Convergence or coevolution?
Limits to convergence and coevolution
Pathways of convergence and coevolution
The two streams across scales, levels and issues
The three prongs of sustainable development
Closing thoughts: An empathetic ear
Annex 1 History of fisheries and biodiversity conservation: A timeline of key events (1850–2012)
Annex 2 Key global institutions, bodies and processes: Roles, participation and main focus1