Author: Chris Cucchiara
Publisher: Motivational Press, Inc.
Publication year: 2010
E-ISBN: 9781935723011
Subject: F713.50 Marketing
Keyword: Business
Language: ENG
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Lessons From The Gym: Finding Purpose and Profit through Network Marketing
It takes a certain mindset and discipline to build a million dollar asset. In this book, Chris Cucchiara shares his success formula. It is the same one that allowed him to build multiple million dollar assets during his business career. His proven step-by-step system will ensure you the mindset needed to have purpose and profit in network marketing. Having the right mindset, Chris went from a 140-pound weakling to a world-class competitive bodybuilder. Knowing what he really wanted and more importantly, why he wanted it, at the age of 21, Chris went on to open up California Gym. It became the most successful bodybuilding gym in Northern California. He grew his gym business from zero to over $1 million a year. Besides owning and operating California Gym, Chris also founded a successful management/consulting company that generated a high six-figure annual income year after year. For the past 15 years, Chris has personally built six-figure annual incomes in multiple companies within the network marketing industry. He is now taking 30 years of being a world-class body-builder, a successful entrepreneur, and a leader in the network marketing industry, and consolidating these success principles into his Mind-Fit Coaching Gym for Network Marketers.