Crop wild relatives (CWR) are species closely related to crop plants which can contribute beneficial traits, such as pest or disease resistance and yield improvement. These species are critical for improving agricultural production and increasing food security. They are also essential components of natural and semi-natural habitats as well as agricultural systems, and are therefore vital in maintaining ecosystem health. However, CWR, like any other group of wild species, are subject to an increasing range of threats: habitat loss, degradation and mismanagement, over-collection and climate change. Through an examination of the national, regional and global context of CWR, these authoritative studies present methodologies and case studies that review and provide recommendations for global conservation and use. Topics range from the establishment of conservation priorities and strategies, threat assessment and genetic erosion and pollution.
2 Addressing the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Crop Wild Relatives: the International Policy Context
3 Crop Wild Relatives: Putting Information in a European Policy Context
4 Crop Wild Relatives in Armenia: Diversity, Legislation and Conservation Issues
Part II: Establishing Inventories and Conservation Priorities
5 Crops and Wild Relatives of the Euro-Mediterranean Region: Making and Using a Conservation Catalogue
6 Establishing Conservation Priorities for Crop Wild Relatives
7 Creation of a National Crop Wild Relative Strategy: a Case Study for the United Kingdom
8 National Crop Wild Relative In Situ Conservation Strategy for Russia
9 Diversity and Conservation Needs of Crop Wild Relatives in Finland
10 Crop Wild Relatives in the Netherlands: Actors and Protection Measures
11 European Forest Genetic Resources: Status of Current Knowledge and Conservation Priorities
12 Using GIS Models to Locate Potential Sites for Wheat Wild Relative Conservation in the Palestinian Authority Areas
Part III: Threat and Conservation Assessment
13 IUCN Red Listing of Crop Wild Relatives: is a National Approach as Difficult as Some Think?
14 Traditional Farming Systems in South-eastern Turkey: the Imperative of In Situ Conservation of Endangered Wild Annual Cicer Species
15 Ecogeographical Representativeness in Crop Wild Relative Ex Situ Collections
Part IV: Genetic Erosion and Genetic Pollution
16 Genetic Erosion and Genetic Pollution of Crop Wild Relatives: the PGR Forum Perspective and Achievements
17 Assessing the Potential for Ecological Harm from Gene Flow to Crop Wild Relatives
18 Reciprocal Introgression between Wild and Cultivated Peach Palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth, Arecaceae) in Western Ecuador
19 Impoverishment of the Gene Pool of the Genus Aegilops L. in Armenia
Part V: In Situ Conservation
20 Crop Wild Relative In Situ Management and Monitoring: the Time Has Come
21 Does Agriculture Conflict with In Situ Conservation? a Case Study on the Use of Wild Relatives by Yam Farmers in Benin
22 Management Plans for Promoting In Situ Conservation of Local Agrobiodiversity in the West Asia Centre of Plant Diversity
23 In Situ Conservation Strategy for Wild Lima Bean (Phaseolus lunatus L.) Populations in the Central Valley of Costa Rica: a Case Study of Short-lived Perennial Plants with a Mixed Mating System
24 Population Performance of Arnica montana L. in Different Habitats
25 A Designated Nature Reserve for In Situ Conservation of Wild Emmer Wheat (Triticum dicoccoides (Körn.) Aaronsohn) in Northern Israel
26 Integrating Wild Plants and Landrace Conservation in Farming Systems: a Perspective from Italy
Part VI: Ex Situ Conservation
27 Ex Situ Conservation of Wild Species: Services Provided by Botanic Gardens
28 Conservation of Spanish Wild Oats: Avena canariensis, A. prostrata and A. murphyi
29 Analysis of Wild Lactuca Gene Bank Accessions and Implications for Wild Species Conservation
30 The Role of Botanic Gardens in the Conservation of Crop Wild Relatives
31 A National Italian Network to Improve Seed Conservation of Wild Native Species ('RIBES')
32 Linking In Situ and Ex Situ Conservation with Use of Crop Wild Relatives
Part VII: Information Management
33 CWRIS: an Information Management System to Aid Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Sustainable Use
34 Crop Wild Relatives in the ECPGR Central Crop Databases: a Case Study in Beta L. and Avena L.
35 Crop Wild Relative Information: Developing a Tool for its Management and Use
36 Managing Passport Data Associated with Seed Collections from Wild Populations: Increasing Potential for Conservation and Use of Crop Wild Relatives in Israel
37 Some Thoughts on Sources of News about Crop Wild Relatives
Part VIII: Gene Donors for Crop Improvement
38 Using Crop Wild Relatives for Crop Improvement: Trends and Perspectives
39 The Secondary Gene Pool of Barley as Gene Donors for Crop Improvement
40 Exploitation of Wild Cereals for Wheat Improvement in the Institute for Cereal Crops Improvement
41 Using Crop Wild Relatives as Sources of Useful Genes
42 Genetic Systems and the Conservation of Wild Relatives of Crops
Part IX: Use of Crop Wild Relatives and Underutilized Species
43 The Use and Economic Potential of Wild Species: an Overview
44 Minor Crops and Underutilized Species: Lessons and Prospects
45 Conservation and Use of Wild-harvested Medicinal Plants in Sri Lanka
46 Use of Wild Plant Species: the Market Perspective
47 Linking Conservation with Sustainable Use: Quercus ilex subsp. rotundifolia (Lam) O. Schwarz in Traditional Agro-sylvo-pastoral Systems in Southern Portugal
Part X: Global Issues in Crop Wild Relative Conservation and Use
48 The Crop Wild Relative Specialist Group of the IUCN Species Survival Commission
49 Towards a Global Strategy for the Conservation and Use of Crop Wild Relatives