The use of biological control agents has been increasing worldwide and there are now many companies mass-producing such organisms, particularly for the control of insect pests. However, there is a great need for quality control in the production and use of these natural enemies, which include insect parasitoids and predators, fungi and viruses. This book has been written by leading scientists from Europe and North America to provide both background theory and practical guidance on this subject.
2 Aspects of Total Quality Control for the Production of Natural Enemies
3 A Variable-response Model for Parasitoid Foraging Behaviour
4 Variations in Natural-enemy Foraging Behaviour: Essential Element of a Sound Biological Control Theory
5 The Parasitoids’ Need for Sweets: Sugars in Mass Rearing and Biological Control
6 Managing Captive Populations for Release: a Population-genetic Perspective
7 Adaptive Recovery after Fitness Reduction: the Role of Population Size
8 The Use of Unisexual Wasps in Biological Control
9 Comparison of Arti.cially vs. Naturally Reared Natural Enemies and Their Potential for Use in Biological Control
10 Pathogens of Mass-produced Natural Enemies and Pollinators
11 Commercial Availability of Biological Control Agents
12 Mass Production, Storage, Shipment and Release of Natural Enemies
13 Regulation of Import and Release of Mass-produced Natural Enemies: a Risk-assessment Approach
14 Quality Assurance in North America: Merging Customer and Producer Needs
15 State of Affairs and Future Directions of Product Quality Assurance in Europe
16 The Relationship between Results from Laboratory Product-control Tests and Large-cage Tests Where Dispersal of Natural Enemies is Possible: a Case-study with Phytoseiulus persimilis
17 Quality of Augmentative Biological Control Agents: a Historical Perspective and Lessons Learned from Evaluating Trichogramma
18 Towards the Standardization of Quality Control of Fungal and Viral Biocontrol Agents
19 Guidelines for Quality Control of Commercially Produced Natural Enemies
20 Basic Statistical Methods for Quality Control Workers