Third Eyelid: Nictitating Membrane
Lacrimal and Nasolacrimal System
Size, Shape, and Topography
Retinal Pigment Epithelium
Neurosensory Retina (Neuroretina)
Vasculature of the Eye and Orbit
Chapter 3: Physiology of the Eye
Anterior Segment of the Eye
Tear Production and Drainage
Drug Transport Through the Cornea, Limbus, Bulbar Conjunctiva, and Sclera
Nutrition of Intraocular Tissues
Anterior Uveal Blood Flow
Blood Flow of the Optic Nerve Head
Aqueous Humor and Intraocular Pressure
Vitreal Structure and Aging
Chapter 4: Optics and Physiology of Vision
Refractive Structures of the Eye
Abnormal Refractive States and Optical Errors
Spherical and Chromatic Aberrations
Visual Processing: From Photoreceptors to Cortex
From Retina to Visual Cortex
Light and Dark Adaptation
Binocular Vision and Depth Perception
Chapter 5: Ocular Pharmacology and Therapeutics
Drug Delivery and Pharmacokinetics
Barriers to Ocular Drug Delivery
Drug Disposition after Eye Drop Application
Topical Drug Delivery to the Posterior Eye Segment
Drug Delivery Kinetics and Ocular Bioavailability
Periocular Administration
Intraocular Administration
Sustained Drug Delivery to Intraocular Tissues
Other Methods of Ocular Drug Delivery
Anti-Inflammatory and Immunosuppressant Drugs
Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs
Mydriatics/Cycloplegics, Anesthetics, and Tear Substitutes and Stimulators
Tear Substitutes and Stimulators
Drugs That Affect Aqueous Humor Dynamics and Intraocular Pressure
Parasympathomimetics (or Cholinomimetics)
Drugs Acting on Adrenoceptors
Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors
Section 2: Ophthalmic Examination and Imaging
Chapter 6: Eye Examination and Diagnostics
General (Basic and Advanced) Ocular Examination
Regional Anesthesia/Analgesia
Ophthalmic Examination in Ambient Lighting
Close Examination of the Adnexa and Globe
Intraocular Pressure Measurement and Pupil Dilation
Anterior Segment Examination after Pupil Dilation: Lens Examination
Posterior Segment Examination
Ophthalmic Diagnostic Procedures
Basic Ophthalmic Diagnostics
Advanced Ophthalmic Diagnostics
Ocular Imaging: Basic and Advanced Diagnostics
Ophthalmic Imaging by Ultrasonography
Physics and Basic Principles
Standard (10–12 MHz) Ultrasonographic Imaging
Advanced Ultrasound Imaging (20–100 MHz)
Electrodiagnostic Evaluation of Vision
Equipment for Recording and Light Stimulation
Section 3: Canine Ophthalmology
Chapter 7: Canine Orbit: Diseases and Surgery
Clinical Signs/Examination
Exophthalmia versus Enophthalmia
Palpation of Orbital Structures
Ancillary Diagnostic Tests
Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Fine Needle Aspiration and Tissue Biopsy
Congenital Anomalies of the Orbit and Globe
Cystic Eye, Microphthalmia, and Nanophthalmia
Acquired Orbital Diseases
Inflammatory Lesions: Orbital Cellulitis/Abscess
Salivary Retention Cysts and Mucoceles (Sialoceles)
Surgery of the Globe and the Orbit
Evisceration and Implantation of Intrascleral Prostheses
Chapter 8: Canine Eyelids: Diseases And Surgery
Lid Sensation and Innervation
Blood Supply and Lymphatic Drainage
Diagnostic Tests for Eyelids
Principles of Eyelid Surgery
Preparation of the Operative Field
Magnification and Illumination
Congenital and Presumed Heredity Structural Abnormalities
Ankyloblepharon: Physiologic
Ankyloblepharon: Pathologic
Eyelid Aplasia or Coloboma
Dermoids and Dysplasia Palpebrae
Distichiasis and Conjunctival Ectopic Cilia
Ectropion and Oversized Palpebral Fissure (Macro- or Euryblepharon)
Ectropion–Macroblepharon Correction Procedures to Shorten the Lower Lid Margin
Kuhnt–Szymanowski Blaskovic’s Modification (Further Modified by Fox and Smith); Procedure for Oversized Lower Lid Margin and Ectropion
Macroblepharon–Ectropion Correction: Reducing Lower and Upper Lid Length
Permanent Lateral Palpebral Fissure Reduction Plasty (Modified Roberts–Jensen Pocket Procedure)
Microblepharon, Blepharophimosis, or Blepharostenosis
Redundant Skin Folds around the Eye
Immune-Mediated Blepharitis
Focal Blepharitis, Blepharitis Adenomatosa, Meibomianitis, and External Hordeolum
Eyelid Masses and Neoplasia
Reconstructive Blepharoplasty
Postoperative Care and Complications after Tarsorrhaphy
Chapter 9: Canine Nasolacrimal Duct and Lacrimal Secretory Systems: Diseases and Surgery
Clinical Manifestations of Nasolacrimal Disease
Lacrimal Secretory System
Formation and Dynamics of Tear Components
Pathogenesis of Tear Film Disease
Qualitative Abnormalities
Chapter 10: Canine Conjunctiva: Diseases and Surgery
Functional Anatomy and Physiology
Normal Bacterial and Fungal Flora
Conjunctival Cytology (Table 10.1)
General Response to Disease
Infectious Conjunctivitis
Noninfectious Conjunctivitis
Follicular Conjunctivitis
Conjunctivitis Associated with Tear Deficiencies
Non-neoplastic Conjunctival Masses
Conjunctival Manifestations of Systemic Disease
Anatomy, Histology, and Function
Anomalous, Congenital, and Developmental Disorders
Trauma, Reconstruction, and Foreign Bodies
Nictitating Membrane Surgery
Chapter 11: Canine Cornea: Diseases and Surgery
Developmental Abnormalities and Congenital Diseases
Inflammatory Keratopathies
Descemetoceles and Corneal Perforations
Full-Thickness Corneal Lacerations
Noninflammatory Keratopathies
Corneoscleral Masses and Neoplasms
Nodular Granulomatous Episcleritis
Chapter 12: Canine Glaucomas
Epidemiology of the Glaucomas in the Dog versus Man
University-Based Epidemiology Studies
Classification of the Glaucomas
High-Resolution Ultrasonography and Ultrasound Biomicroscopy
Clinical and Pathologic Effects of Elevated Intraocular Pressure
Pathology of Canine Glaucoma in Clinical Patients
Primary and Breed-Predisposed Canine Glaucomas
Pectinate Ligament Dysplasia
Primary Glaucoma by Breed
The Lens and the Glaucomas
Malignant Glaucoma (Aqueous Misdirection)
Ocular Melanosis and Melanocytic Glaucoma
Pigmentary and Cystic Glaucoma
Intraocular Neoplasms and Glaucoma
Glaucomas Secondary to Silicone Oil and Rhegmatogenous Retinal Detachments
Medical and Surgical Treatment of the Canine Glaucomas
Target, Safe, and Diurnal Intraocular Pressure
Medical Therapy for Intraocular Pressure Control
Treatment of End-Stage Primary Glaucomas
The Future: Gene Therapy for the Canine Primary Glaucomas
Chapter 13: Canine Anterior Uvea: Diseases and Surgery
Persistent Pupillary Membranes
Aniridia and Iris Hypoplasia
Other Congenital Pupillary Abnormalities
Degenerative Iridal Changes
General Uveal Inflammatory Responses
Chemical Mediators of Inflammation
Clinical Manifestations and Diagnosis
Uveal Manifestations of Selected Diseases
Anterior Uveitis Secondary to Corneal and Scleral Disease
Uveodermatologic Syndrome
Mycoses-Associated Uveitis
Ocular Manifestations of Miscellaneous Diseases
Pigmentary and Cystic Glaucoma (Pigmentary Uveitis)
Solid Intraocular Xanthogranuloma in Miniature Schnauzer Dogs
Sulfonamide Hypersensitivity
Emergency Management of Acute Ocular Trauma
Ancillary Diagnostic Procedures
Treatment of Blunt Injuries
Treatment of Penetrating Injuries
Traumatic Uveitis with Lens Rupture
Intraocular Foreign Bodies
Non-Neoplastic Iridal Proliferations
Ocular Melanosis (Pigmentary Glaucoma)
Chapter 14: Canine Lens: Cataract, Luxation, and Surgery
Congenital and Developmental Abnormalities
Embryonic Vascular Abnormalities
Multiple Ocular Anomalies with Lens Abnormalities
Classification of Canine Cataract
Nuclear or Lenticular Sclerosis
Clinical and Biomicroscopic Features of Canine Cataracts
Cataracts with a Heritable or Presumed Heritable Basis
Clinical and Morphologic Features of Heritable Cataracts
Cataracts Associated with Systemic Diseases
Diabetes Mellitus and Galactosemia
Inborn Errors of Metabolism
Cataracts Associated with Medications or Other Toxic Substances
Cataracts Resulting from Inflammations and Lens-Associated Inflammation
Nonsurgical Clinical Considerations for Canine Cataracts
Visual Consequences of Cataracts
Complications of Untreated Cataracts in Dogs
Clinical Management of the Blind Dog
Medical Treatment of Cataracts
Dislocation of the Crystalline Lens
Preoperative Complications
Use of Intraoperative Medications/Devices
Intraoperative Complications
Postoperative Complications of Phacoemulsification and Intraocular Lens Implantation
Surgery for Lens Instability
Chapter 15: Canine Posterior Segment: Diseases and Surgery
Vitreous in Relation to Other Ophthalmic Disorders
Diseases of the Canine Ocular Fundus
Structural Visualization of the Fundus
Functional Testing of the Retina
Normal Canine Ocular Fundus
Inherited Retinal Degenerations/Dystrophies
Late-Onset Photoreceptor Degenerations
Other Generalized Retinopathies/Retinal Dystrophies
Retinal Pigment Epithelial Autofluorescent Inclusion Epitheliopathy/Retinal Pigment Epithelial Dystrophy
Inflammation and Infections Affecting the Ocular Fundus
Retinopathies of Nutritional Causes
Vascular Disease Processes
Retinopathies with Immunologic Diseases
Secondary Retinal Degenerations
Retinal Detachments: Medical Considerations
Neoplastic and Proliferative Conditions
Surgery of the Canine Posterior Segment
Anatomic Considerations for Vitreoretinal Surgeries
Retinal Detachment Treated by Surgery
Surgical Procedures for Treatment of Retinal Detachments
Diseases of the Canine Optic Nerve
Diagnostics for the Optic Nerve
Acquired Optic Nerve Diseases
Section 4: Special Species
Chapter 16: Feline Ophthalmology
Congenital and Developmental Disorders
Focal and Diffuse Blepharitis
Diseases of the Nasolacrimal and Tear Systems
Diseases of the Third Eyelid
Bilateral Third Eyelid Protrusion
Diseases of the Conjunctiva
Lipogranulomatous Conjunctivitis
Eosinophilic Conjunctivitis
Eosinophilic Proliferative Keratitis
Corneal Dystrophies and Degenerations
Acute Bullous Keratopathy
Florida Keratopathy (Florida Spots)
Acid-Fast Bacilli Keratopathy
Diseases of the Anterior Uvea
Congenital and Developmental Disorders
Acquired Iris Abnormalities
Intraocular Pressure Measurement
Diseases of the Lens and Cataract Formation
Congenital Cataracts and Lens Anomalies
Primary and Secondary Cataract Formation
Cataract Surgery and Lensectomy
Diseases of the Posterior Segment
Diseases of the Optic Nerve and Central Nervous System
Congenital and Developmental Disorders
Congenital and Developmental Disorders
Chapter 17: Equine Ophthalmology
Special Ophthalmic Considerations in Specific Groups of Horses
Ophthalmic Disease and Age
Ophthalmic Disease and Activity
Congenital Adnexal Diseases
Nasolacrimal Duct Obstruction
Congenital Corneal Disease
Ulcerative Corneal Disease
Nonulcerative Corneal Diseases
Intraocular Pressure Measurement
Lens Luxation/Subluxation
Diseases of the Posterior Segment
Diseases of the Optic Nerve
Chapter 18: Food Animal Ophthalmology
Chapter 19: Exotic Animals: Ophthalmic Diseases and Surgery
Intraocular Pressure and Tear Measurements
Marine and Other Aquatic Mammals
Section 5: Ophthalmic and Systemic Diseases
Chapter 20: Comparative Neuro-Ophthalmology
Neuro-Ophthalmic Examination
Examination from a Distance
Reflex and Response Testing
Neuroanatomic Lesion Localization and Neuro-Ophthalmic Syndromes
Horner’s Syndrome (Table 20.1)
Cavernous Sinus Syndrome (Table 20.2)
Hemifacial Spasm (Hemifacial Tetany)
Pourfour du Petit Syndrome
Static Anisocoria (Spastic Pupil Syndrome) and Hemidilated Pupil
Neuro-Ophthalmic Diseases
Chapter 21: Systemic Disease and the Eye
Appendix A: Adrenergics in Veterinary Ophthalmology
Appendix B: Artificial Tear Substitutes for Veterinary Ophthalmology
Appendix C: Topical and Local/Injectable Anesthetics for Veterinary Ophthalmology
Appendix D: Topical and Subconjunctival Antibiotics for Veterinary Ophthalmology
A. Available Topical Antibiotics*
B. Selection of Initial Antibiotics on the Basis of Smear Morphology
C. Development of Bacterial Resistance
D. Suggested Dosages of Subconjunctival Antibiotics*
Appendix E: Antiviral Drugs for Veterinary Ophthalmology (To Treat FHV-1 Ocular Infections)
Appendix F: Antifungals for Veterinary Ophthalmology
B. Selected Topical Antifungals Agents for Equine Fungal Keratitis/Fungal Abscesses
Appendix G: Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitors (CAIs) for the Dog and Cat
Systemic (mg/kg): Single-Dose Studies in Dogs
Recommended Clinical Multidoses
Appendix H: Corticosteroids in Veterinary Ophthalmology
A. Topical Corticosteroids
B. Depot Glucocorticoids for Subconjunctival Administration
Appendix I: Nonsteroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDS) in Veterinary Ophthalmology
Appendix J: Hyperosmotics for Veterinary Ophthalmology
Appendix K: Miotics in the Dog and Cat
Appendix L: Mydriatics or Pupil-Dilating Agents for the Dog
Appendix M: Mydriatics or Pupil-Dilating Agents for the Cat
Appendix N: Mydriatics or Pupil-Dilating Agents for the Horse
Appendix O: Mydriatics or Pupil-Dilating Agents for the Cow
Appendix P: Available Pupil Dilating Agents for Selected Birds*
Appendix Q: Topical Prostaglandins for the Dog*
Appendix R: Other Drugs for Veterinary Ophthalmology
Appendix S: DNA Tests for Feline and Canine Eye Diseases
Appendix T: Inherited Eye Diseases in the Dog
Appendix U: Inherited Eye Diseases in the Cat
Appendix V: Inherited Eye Diseases in the Horse
Appendix W: Inherited Eye Diseases in Food Animals
Appendix X: Lysosomal Storage Diseases in the Dog, Cat, and Food Animals