2.7.1 Decrease in Shear Strength
2.7.2 Increase in Shear Stress
Chapter 3 Soil Mechanics Principles
3.1.1 Drained and Undrained Conditions
3.2 Total and Effective Stresses
3.3 Drained and Undrained Shear Strengths
3.3.1 Sources of Shear Strength
3.3.3 Volume Changes During Drained Shear
3.3.4 Pore Pressure Changes During Undrained Shear
3.4 Basic Requirements for Slope Stability Analyses
3.4.1 Analyses of Drained Conditions
3.4.2 Analyses of Undrained Conditions
3.4.3 How Long Does Drainage Take?
3.4.4 Short-Term Analyses
3.4.6 Progressive Failure
Chapter 4 Stability Conditions for Analysis
4.2 End-of-Construction Stability
4.4 Rapid (Sudden) Drawdown
4.6 Partial Consolidation and Staged Construction
4.7 Other Loading Conditions
4.7.1 Rapid Flood Loading
4.7.3 Partial Submergence and Intermediate Water Levels
4.8 Analysis Cases for Earth and Rockfill Dams
5.2 Behavior of Granular Materials-Sand, Gravel, and Rockfill
5.2.1 Effects of Confining Pressure
5.2.3 Effects of Gradation
5.2.4 Plane Strain Effects
5.2.5 Triaxial Tests on Granular Materials
5.2.6 Field Control of Fill Density
5.2.7 Strength Correlations for Granular Materials
5.2.8 Typical Values of Ф' for Sands, Gravels, and Rockfills
5.3.2 In Situ Testing of Low-Plasticity Silts
5.3.3 Effects of Sample Disturbance
5.3.5 Effects of Cavitation During Strength Tests
5.3.6 Rate of Drainage of Silt Deposits
5.3.7 Unconsolidated–Undrained Triaxial Tests on Low-Plasticity Silts
5.3.8 Consolidated–Undrained Triaxial Tests on Low-Plasticity Silts
5.3.9 Effective Stress Strength Envelopes
5.3.10 Strengths of Compacted Silts
5.3.11 Undrained Strength Ratios for Silts
5.3.12 Typical Values of Φ' for Silts
5.4.1 Factors Affecting Clay Strength
5.4.2 Methods of Evaluating Undrained Strengths of Intact Clays
5.4.3 Comparison of Laboratory and Field Methods for Undrained Strength Assessment
5.4.4 Use of Correlations for Estimating Undrained Shear Strength
5.4.5 Typical Peak Effective Stress Friction Angles for Intact Clays
5.4.6 Stiff-Fissured Clays
5.5 Municipal Solid Waste
Chapter 6 Mechanics of Limit Equilibrium Procedures
6.1 Definition of the Factor of Safety
6.2 Equilibrium Conditions
6.3 Single Free-Body Procedures
6.3.1 Infinite Slope Procedure
6.3.2 Logarithmic Spiral Procedure
6.3.3 Swedish Circle (Φ=O) Method
6.4 Procedures of Slices: General
6.5 Procedures of Slices: Circular Slip Surfaces
6.5.1 Ordinary Method of Slices
6.5.2 Simplified Bishop Procedure
6.5.3 Inclusion of Additional Known Forces
6.5.4 Complete Bishop procedure
6.6 Procedures of Slices: Noncircular Slip Surfaces
6.6.1 Force Equilibrium (Only) Procedures
6.6.2 Procedures That Satisfy All Conditions of Equilibrium
6.7 Procedures of Slices: Assumptions, Equilibrium Equations, and Unknowns
6.8 Procedures of Slices: Representation of Interslice Forces (Side Forces)
6.8.1 Soil and Water Forces
6.8.2 Soil–Water and Reinforcement Forces
6.9 Computations with Anisotropic Shear Strengths
6.10 Computations with Curved Strength Envelopes
6.11 Finite Element Analysis of Slopes
6.12 Alternative Definitions of the Factor of Safety
6.12.1 Factor of Safety for Load
6.12.2 Factor of Safety for Moments
6.13 Pore Water Pressure Representation
6.13.1 Flow Net Solutions
6.13.2 Numerical Solutions
6.13.3 Interpolation Schemes
Chapter 7 Methods of Analyzing Slope Stability
7.1 Simple Methods of Analysis
7.1.1 Vertical Slope in Cohesive Soil
7.2 Slope Stability Charts
7.4 Finite Element Analyses of Slope Stability
7.5 Computer Programs for Limit Equilibrium Analyses
7.5.1 Types of Computer Programs
7.5.2 Automatic Searches for Critical Slip Surface
7.5.3 Restricting the Critical Slip Surfaces of Interest
7.6 Verification of Results of Analyses
7.7 Examples for Verification of Stability Computations
7.7.1 Example 1: Unbraced Vertical Cut in Clay
7.7.2 Example 2: Underwater Slope in Soft Clay
7.7.3 Example 3: Excavated Slope in Stiff-Fissured Clay
7.7.4 Example 4: Cohesionless Slope on Saturated Clay Foundation
7.7.5 Example 5: Oroville Dam—Analysis with a Curved Strength Envelope
7.7.7 Example 7: Homogeneous Earth Dam with Steady-State Seepage
7.7.8 Example 8: Earth Dam with Thick Core—Steady-State Seepage
Chapter 8 Reinforced Slopes and Embankments
8.1 Limit Equilibrium Analyses with Reinforcing Forces
8.2 Factors of Safety for Reinforcing Forces and Soil Strengths
8.3 Types of Reinforcement
8.4.1 Criterion 1: Creep, Installation Damage, and Deterioration in Properties over Time
8.4.2 Criterion 2: Pullout Resistance
8.5 Allowable Reinforcement Forces and Factors of Safety
8.6 Orientation of Reinforcement Forces
8.7 Reinforced Slopes on Firm Foundations
8.8 Embankments on Weak Foundations
Chapter 9 Analyses for Rapid Drawdown
9.1 Drawdown during and at the End of Construction
9.2 Drawdown for Long-Term Conditions
9.2.1 Effective Stress Methods
9.2.2 Total Stress Methods
9.4 Shear-Induced Pore Pressure Changes
Chapter 10 Seismic Slope Stability
10.1.1 Detailed, Comprehensive Analyses
10.1.2 Pseudostatic Analyses
10.1.3 Sliding Block Analyses
10.2 Pseudostatic Screening Analyses
10.3 Determining Peak Accelerations
10.4 Shear Strength for Pseudostatic Analyses
10.4.1 Earthquakes Immediately after Construction
10.4.2 Earthquakes after the Slope Has Reached Consolidated Equilibrium
10.4.3 Effects of Rapid Load Application
10.5 Postearthquake Stability Analyses
10.5.1 Step 1. Determine Whether or Not Liquefaction Will Occur
10.5.2 Step 2. Estimate Reduced Undrained Shear Strengths
10.5.3 Step 3. Compute Slope Stability
Chapter 11 Analyses of Embankments with Partial Consolidation of Weak Foundations
11.1 Consolidation During Construction
11.2 Analyses of Stability with Partial Consolidation
11.2.1 Effective Stress Approach
11.2.2 Total Stress Approach
11.3 Observed Behavior of an Embankment Constructed in Stages
11.4.1 Difficulties in Estimating Pore Pressures
11.4.2 Difficulties in Consolidation Analyses
11.4.3 Difficulties in Estimating Undrained Shear Strengths
11.4.4 Intrinsic Difference in Effective Stress and Total Stress Factors of Safety
11.4.5 Instrumentation for Staged Construction
11.4.6 Need for Additional Case Histories
Chapter 12 Analyses to Back-Calculate Strengths
12.1 Back-Calculating Average Shear Strength
12.2 Back-Calculating Shear Strength Parameters Based on Slip Surface Geometry
12.3 Examples of Back-Analyses of Failed Slopes
12.3.1 Example 1: Hypothetical Embankment on Saturated Clay Foundation
12.3.2 Example 2: Natural Slope in Shale
12.3.3 Example 3: Victor Braunig Dam Embankment
12.3.4 Example 4: High-PI Clay Embankment in Texas
12.3.5 Example 5: Kettleman Hills Landfill Failure
12.3.6 Example 6: Development of the Grading Plan for the Tangguh, Indonesia LNG Plant Site
12.4 Practical Problems and Limitation of Back-Analyses
12.4.1 Progressive Failure
12.4.2 Decreasing Strengths with Time
12.4.3 Complex Shear Strength Patterns
Chapter 13 Factors of Safety and Reliability
13.1 Definitions of Factor of Safety
13.1.1 Alternative Definitions of F
13.2 Factor of Safety Criteria
13.2.1 Importance of Uncertainties and Consequences of Failure
13.2.2 Corps of Engineers’ Criteria for Factors of Safety
13.3 Reliability and Probability of Failure
13.4 Standard Deviations and Coefficients of Variation
13.4.1 Statistical Estimates
13.4.2 Estimates Based on Published Values
13.4.5 The Graphical Nσ Rule
13.5 Estimating Reliability and Probability of Failure
13.5.1 The Taylor Series Method
13.5.2 Computing Probability of Failure Using the Taylor Series Method
13.5.4 Interpretation of Probability of Failure
13.5.5 Judging Acceptability of Probabilities of Failure
Chapter 14 Important Details of Stability Analyses
14.1 Location of Critical Slip Surfaces
14.1.1 Circular Slip Surfaces
14.1.2 Noncircular Shear Surfaces
14.1.3 Importance of Cross-Section Details
14.2 Examination of Noncritical Slip Surfaces
14.3 Tension in the Active Zone
14.3.1 Rankine Active Earth Pressures
14.3.2 Eliminating Tension
14.3.3 Replacing Cracked Embankments by Surface Loads
14.4 Inappropriate Forces in the Passive Zone
14.4.2 Eliminating the Problem
14.5.1 Iteration Tolerances and Convergence
14.6 Verification of Calculations
14.7 Three-Dimensional Effects
Chapter 15 Presenting Results of Stability Evaluations
15.1 Site Characterization and Representation
15.2 Soil Property Evaluation
15.3 Pore Water Pressures
15.5 Calculation Procedure
15.6 Analysis Summary Figure
Chapter 16 Slope Stabilization and Repair
16.1 Use of Back-Analysis
16.2 Factors Governing Selection of Method of Stabilization
16.3.3 Drain Wells and Stone Columns
16.3.4 Wellpoints and Deep Wells
16.3.6 Drainage Galleries
16.3.7 Finger or Counterfort Drains
16.4 Excavations and Buttress Fills
16.5 Retaining Structures
16.5.1 Prestressed Anchors and Anchored Walls
16.5.2 Gravity Walls, MSE Walls, and Soil Nailed Walls
16.6 Reinforcing Piles and Drilled Shafts
16.7.1 Lime Piles and Lime Slurry Piles
16.11 Removal and Replacement of the Sliding Mass
Appendix A Slope Stability Charts
Use and Applicability of Charts for Analysis of Slope Stability
Averaging Slope Inclinations, Unit Weights, and Shear Strengths
Soils With Φ=0 and Strength Increasing with Depth
Appendix B Curved Shear Strength Envelopes for Fullysoftened Shear Strengths and Their Impact on Slope Stability Analyses
Measured Strength Envelopes
Equations for Strength Envelope
Impact on Slope Stability
Conclusions and Recommendations