Crafting a Class :College Admissions and Financial Aid, 1955-1994 ( Princeton Legacy Library )

Publication subTitle :College Admissions and Financial Aid, 1955-1994

Publication series :Princeton Legacy Library

Author: Duffy Elizabeth A.;Goldberg Idana;;  

Publisher: Princeton University Press‎

Publication year: 2014

E-ISBN: 9781400864683

P-ISBN(Paperback): 9780691016832

Subject: G Culture, Science , Education, Sports;G64 Higher Education

Keyword: 文化、科学、教育、体育

Language: ENG

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Admissions and financial aid policies at liberal arts colleges have changed dramatically since 1955. Through the 1950s, most colleges in the United States enrolled fewer than 1000 students, nearly all of whom were white. Few colleges were truly selective in their admissions; they accepted most students who applied. In the 1960s, as the children of the baby boom reached college age and both federal and institutional financial aid programs expanded, many more students began to apply to college. For the first time, liberal arts colleges were faced with an abundance of applicants, which raised new questions. What criteria would they use to select students? How would they award financial aid? The answers to these questions were shaped by financial and educational considerations as well as by the struggles for civil rights and gender equality that swept across the nation. The colleges' answers also proved crucial to their futures, as the years since the mid-1970s have shown. When the influx of baby boom students slowed, colleges began to recruit aggressively in order to maintain their class sizes. In the past decade, financial aid has become another tool that colleges use to compete for the best students.

By tracing the development of competitive admission and financial aid policies at a selected group of liberal arts colleges, Crafting a Class explores how institutional decisions reflect and respond to broad demographic, economic, political, and social forces. Eli


List of Figures and Tables

Foreword by William G. Bowen and Harold T. Shapiro



Part I. Enrollment, Admissions, and Quality

Part II. Responses to Social Forces

Part III. The Evolution of Financial Aid



Appendix A: Survey Forms

Appendix B: Interviews



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