Management of Neurological Disorders: Second Edition presents a comprehensive guide on intensive care, rehabilitation, and the psychiatric aspects of neurology. It discusses the developments made in surgical treatment techniques. It addresses the management of coma patients.
Some of the topics covered in the book are the psychological factors in intensive care; assessment of respiratory function; chronic respiratory disease, cardiac disease, and chest deformity; cardiac arrest and its neurological complications; removal of kidneys for transplantation; and organization of rehabilitation services. The general approach to neurological physiotherapy is fully covered. An in-depth account of the psychiatric aspects of neurology is provided. Depression associated with neurological disorders is completely presented. A chapter is devoted to the psychological aspects of epilepsy. Another section focuses on the pathological physiology of Parkinsonism. The management of visual failure, metabolic muscle disorders, acute bacterial meningitis, and viral encephalitis are briefly covered.
The book can provide useful information to doctors, psychologists, therapists, students, and researchers.
Cardiac arrest and its neurological complications
Chapter 2. Rehabilitation
Organization of rehabilitation services
General approach to neurological physiotherapy
Speech therapy in children
Severe disability and terminal care
Chapter 3. Psychiatric aspects of neurology
Measurement in psychiatry
Depression associated with neurological disorders
Schizophrenia and organic psychosis
Personality disorders and neurological disease
Iatrogenic psychiatric problems
Chapter 4. The neurogenic bladder
Urodynamic investigations
Examples of disturbed bladder function
Operative and chemical interruption of pain pathways
Miscellaneous procedures for pain relief
Chapter 6. Headache and facial pain
Acute headache and facial pain
All other types of epilepsy
Psychological aspects of epilepsy
Social aspects of epilepsy
Chapter 8. Parkinsonism and involuntary movement
Chapter 9. Special senses
Management of visual failure
Other causes of vertigo and deafness
Chapter 10. Dementia and degenerative disorders
Management of specific disorders
Dementia associated with primary and metastatic tumours
Chapter 11. Multiple sclerosis
Other demyelinating diseases
Chapter 12. Cerebral vascular disease
Occlusive vascular disease due to embolism or thrombosis
Management of the progressive stroke
Management of the established stroke
Chapter 13. Head injuries
Specific early complications
Chapter 14. Cerebral tumours and raised intracranial pressure
Tumours involving the cerebral hemisphere
Pineal and parapineal tumours
Tumours involving the visual pathway
Leukaemia and reticulosis
Chapter 15. Developmental disorders
Abnormalities of the cranium
Abnormalities near the foramen magnum
Abnormalities of the spinal cord
Chapter 16. Spinal cord disorders
Cervical and dorsal disc protrusion
Intraspinal tumours and cysts
Vascular tumours and malformations
Chapter 17. Disorders of the cranial nerves and peripheral nervous system
Peripheral nervous system
Chapter 18. Motor neurone disease, myasthenia gravis and muscle disease
Muscular dystrophy and spinal muscular atrophy
Dystrophia myotonica and other myotonic syndromes
Myotonia congenita (Thomsen's disease)
Other forms of muscular dystrophy and spinal muscular atrophy
Metabolic muscle disorders
Myopathy in hyperparathyroidism and osteomalacia
Chapter 19. Infections and infestations
Other systemic bacterial infections that involve the nervous system
Viral infections of the nervous system
Neurological disorders associated with specific fevers
Cruetzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) (spongiform encephalopathy