A vigorous analysis of the ways modern reproductive politics are shaped by long-standing debates on abortion and adoption, surrogacy arrangements, new reproductive technologies, medical surveillance, and the mapping of the human genome. "[This volume] constructs a coherent account of the meanings of pregnancy in the United States at the beginning of the twenty-first century, spelling out a basis for just reproductive policies. . . . Neatly reviews many of the major dramas and dilemmas that, thirty years after the federalization of women's 'choice,' continue to bedevil policymakers and ordinary people. But it also moved me, and will move others, to wake up and test its conclusions." -- Rickie Solinger, Women's Review of Books
1. Feminist Praxis, Reproductive Powers, and Medical Models
Shifting Powers in Women's Reproduction
Unmet Needs Taken Out of Context
Feminist Analysis of Modern Reproduction
Women's Struggles for Reproductive Agency
Controversial, Heartfelt, Reproductive Politics
Additional Voices and Experiences
2. New Reproductive Technologies: Medicalizations of Pregnancy, Birth, Reproduction, and Infertility
Reproductive Technologies' Impact on Abortion Politics
3. The Human Genome Project: Designer Genes
Geneticization and Topographies of Reproductive Power
Increasing Medicalization
Race, Class, and Genome Power
Abilities and Diversities
Enhancements and Improvements
The Mixed Blessing of Knowing
The Family Impact of Misattributed Paternity
Reproduction, Parenting, and Abortion
Economic and Market Exchanges
Human Diversity Genome Project
Breast Cancer Heartbreaks
Genetic, Intentional, Enhanced Babies
Gender, Power, and Bioethics
4. Abortion Politics: Discourses on Lives
Revealed History and Political Action
Roe's Progress and Limitations
Abortion, Women's Praxis of the Ethic of Care
Abortion Politics in Local Communities
Social Movements, Abortion, and Culture Wars
The Context for Urban Abortion Battles
Greenville and Columbia, South Carolina
The Grass-Roots Issue Context
Partial-Birth, Late-Term Abortion Ban
A National Conflagration Negotiated Locally One Day at a Time
Interest Group Representations of Reproductive Politics
5. Adoption and Surrogacy: Children as Commodities, Wombs for Rent
Surrogacy Policy Recommendations
The Patriarchal, Nuclear Family Paradigm
6. Social Controls and Reproductive Politics: Punitive Monitoring of Pregnant Women
Legal and Illegal Drugs and Pregnant Women
Criminalizing Prenatal Care
Coerced and Punitive Contraception
Punitive Monitoring and Control
Conclusion: The Changing Geographies of Motherhood and Reproduction
Feminist Praxis: Political Challenge
Feminist Praxis: Imperfect Individuals and Connected Communities