Chapter 1. Establishing The 9/11 Myth
(1) Osama bin Laden was named after 15 minutes
(2) Bush determined within twenty minutes that “America is under attack”
(3) WTC demise explained within six hours
(4) Main “facts” established by Congressional vote within 24 hours
“Attacks against the United States”
“Terrorists hijacked and destroyed four civilian aircraft”
“The attacks by the terrorists destroyed both towers of the World Trade Center”
“The attacks were intended to intimidate our Nation and weaken its resolve”
(5) FBI releases the names of the alleged hijackers
(6) Paul Wolfowitz’s evasive answer
(7) FBI releases photographs of the alleged hijackers
(8) No known links between the alleged hijackers and Afghanistan
(9) The US government: “We have no obligation to prove our case”
(10) Donald Rumsfeld’s evasive answer
(11) US government does not formally link Afghanistan to 9/11
(12) The FBI admits possessing no evidence that Osama bin Laden was involved in 9/11
Chapter 2. Shattering The Myth Of 19 Muslim Hijackers
(1) No authenticated passenger lists
(a) Adding and deleting passengers’ names after the crashes
(b) Curious discrepancies in names
(c) Releasing bogus passenger lists five years later
(d) What lists did Bonner and Clarke see?
(e) The airlines’ refusal to release authentic lists
(f) No plausible reason for secrecy
(g) No legal proof that Muslim terrorists boarded the 9/11 aircraft
(2) No authenticated boarding passes
(3) No one saw the hijackers at the security checkpoints and at the boarding gates
(b) Boarding gate personnel
(c) The testimony of Marsha L. Smith
(d) The testimony of Manuel Carreiro
(e) The testimony of Gail Jawahir
(f) The testimony of Janet Padilla
(g) Secret identities of boarding gate employees
(4) No authenticated CCTV of the hijackers at the departure gates
(5) No positive identification of the hijackers’ bodily remains
Part II. The Four Flights
Chapter 3. No Identification Of Wreckage
(1) The plotters intended to deceive air traffic controllers
(2) To what aircraft did the wreckage belong?
(3) The failure to positively identify the wreckage
Chapter 4. Implausible Crash Sites
(1) The strange crash site at Ground Zero
(2) The strange crash site at the Pentagon
(3) The strange crash site at Somerset County, Pa.
(a) No visible aircraft wreckage
(b) The legend of the buried aircraft
(c) The legend of aircraft parts hanging on trees
(e) The invisible recovery of the wreckage
(f) Extreme secrecy surrounding the crash site
(g) Were personal items planted at the crash site?
(h) Debris were found up to eight miles from the official crash site
(j) No fuel contamination in the crash site
(k) Concluding observations about the Somerset County crash site
Chapter 5. The Cockpit Voice Recorder Of Flight UA93
Chapter 6. Aircraft Continued To Fly Past Crash Time
(2) Evidence of doubles—Operation Northwoods 2.0?
(3) Flight UA93 flew past crash time
(a) No evidence of Boeing 767 wreckage
(c) Testimony of Col. Robert Barr
(d) Phone call retransmissions
(e) Two differing take-off times
(4) Flight UA175 flew past crash time
(c) A Boeing 767 cannot fly at 774 mph
Part III. The Phone Calls
Chapter 7. Phone Calls From Flight AA11
(1) Betty Ong’s Phone Call
(a) Two versions of Betty Ong’s phone call
(b) Clues that Betty Ong was not describing real events
Conflicting testimonies by Craig Marquis
Puzzling comments made by Craig Marquis and others
“This is between you and me”
Delay in “locking out” the flight
Analysis of Betty Ong’s voice
Content analysis of Betty Ong’s call
(2) Madeline Sweeney’s calls
(b) What did the recipients of Sweeney’s calls report?
(d) Nancy Wyatt’s call to Ray Howland (SOC), September 11, 2001
(3) Conflicting Reports Of Ong And Sweeney
(4) Concluding observations about the AA11 calls
Chapter 8. Flight UA175 Calls
Peter Burton Hanson’s Calls
(a) FBI Document NH-3718 of September 11, 2001. Interview with James R. Candee
(b) FBI Document TP 18 issued on September 12, 2001
(c) FBI Document 265D-HQ-1348101, (Ser 354), issued on September 12, 2001
(d) FBI Document TP 201, issued on September 13, 2001
(e) FBI Document IN 32838, undated (SKH:skh)
(f) FBI Document 302 9269 of September 11, 2001. Interview with Lee Hanson
(2) Brian Sweeney’s Phone Calls
(3) Garnet “Ace” Bailey’s phone calls
(4) A phone call by an unidentified flight attendant
(5) Concluding observations on UA175 calls
Chapter 9. Flight AA77 Calls
(1) Renee May’s Phone Calls
(2) Barbara Olson’s Call(s)
(a) FBI document 302 22171. Interview with Mercy Lorenzo, September 11, 2001
(b) FBI document 302 22170. Interview with Teresa Gonzalez, September 11, 2001
(c) FBI document 302 30777. Interview with Theodore (“Ted”) Olson, September 11, 2001
(d) FBI document 302 32633. Interview with Helen Voss, September 11, 2001
(e) FBI document [unreadable serial number]. Interview with Lori Keyton, September 11, 2001
(f) Interview with Theodore Olson on CNN Larry King Live, September 14, 2001
(g) Fox News, September 14, 2001
(h) Theodore Olson’s lecture at the Federalist Society
(i) Briefing by US Attorney David Novak and his team to 9/11 Commission’s staff, May 20, 2004
(j) Final Report of the 9/11 Commission
(3) Concluding observations on AA77 calls
Chapter 10. Flight UA93 Calls
(a) FBI document 302 95682. Interview with Robert W. Combs, September 11, 2001
(b) FBI document 302 107853, Sept. 11, 2001. Interview with Robert W. Combs
(c) FBI document 302 95630, Sept. 11, 2001. Interview with Lisa Jefferson
(d) FBI document 302 41407. Interview with Lisa Beamer, September 22, 2001
(e) FBI document 302 115861, June 5, 2002. Interview with Phyllis Johnson
(f) Transcript of call by Nick Leonard, United Airlines, to unknown person, September 14, 2001
(g) Transcript of phone call between Lisa Jefferson and Lisa Beamer, September 15, 2001
(h) FBI Lead Control Number NK-5381
(i) MFR 04020031. Briefing by Lisa Jefferson to John Raidt of the 9/11 Commission Staff, May 11, 2004
(j) Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, September 22, 2001
(k) Lisa Jefferson and Felicia Middlebrooks, Called, Northfield Publishing (2006)
(a) FBI document 302 63761. Interview with Alice Hoglan. September 11, 2001
(b) FBI document 302 31805. Interview with [redacted]. September 17, 2001
(c) FBI document 302 8422. Interview with [probably Alice Hoglan]. September 17, 2001
(3) Sandy Bradshaw’s Calls
(a) FBI Document 302 1888. Interview with Richard Belme (SAMC). September 11, 2001
(b) MFR (unnumbered). Interview with Richard Belme (SAMC). November 21, 2003
(c) FBI Document 302 95686. Interview with Philip G. Bradshaw. September 11, 2001
(d) FBI document 302 526, September 12, 2001
(4) Marion Britton’s Phone Call
(a) FBI Document Serial 302 25306 . Interview with Fred Fiumano. September 17, 2001
(b) FBI Document PG-961, September 22, 2001
(c) Jere Longman’s account
(5) Thomas Burnett’s Phone Calls
(a) FBI Document 302 535. Interview with Deena Burnett. September 11, 2001
(b) MFR 04020024. Interview with Deena Burnett by 9/11 Commission staff
(c) Transcript of Tom’s calls to Deena, posted on the website of the Tom Burnett Foundation
(d) The Telegraph (UK), September 14, 2001
(e) The San Francisco Chronicle, April 21, 2002
Was Mrs. Burnett a reliable witness?
Is it probable that Mrs. Burnett was mistaken?
Is it plausible that Mrs. Burnett deliberately lied?
From what altitude were Tom Burnett calls made?
(6) Joseph Deluca’s Phone Calls
(7) Edward Felt’s Phone Call
(a) Initial FBI interviews of John W. Shaw on September 11, 2001
(b) FBI Serial 17823. Interview with Glenn W. Cramer. September 12, 2001
(c) Transcript of Edward Felt’s phone call
(8) Jeremy Glick’s Phone Call
(a) FBI document 302 6390. Interview with Elizabeth Glick. September 11, 2001
(b) FBI document 302 11721. Interview with Richard Makely. September 12, 2001
(c) FBI document 302 11722. Interview with Elizabeth Glick. September 12, 2001
(d) MFR 04020025. Interview with Lyzbeth Glick by 9/11 Commission staffers. April 22, 2004
(e) Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, September 13, 2001
(f) MSNBC, September 3, 2002
(g) Concluding observations:
(9) Lauren Grandcolas’ Phone Calls
(a) FBI document 302 638. Interview with Jack Grandcolas. September 11, 2001
(b) FBI document IN 131 of September 14, 2001
(c) FBI document OUT-2969, April 24, 2002
(d) MSNBC, September 2002
(10) Linda Gronlund’s Phone Call
(a) FBI document 302 4080. Interview with Elsa Strong. September 11, 2001
(b) FBI document 302 4082. Interview with Elsa Strong. September 11, 2001
(c) FBI document 302 25851. Interview with Elsa Strong. September 14, 2001
(d) MFR 04020023. Conference call by 9/11 Commission staffers with Elsa Strong. April 22, 2004
(e) RFBI 04020619. Transcript of Linda Gronlund’s message left on Elsa Strong’s answering machine
(11) CeeCee Lyles’ Phone Calls
(c) FBI documents 302 96092 and 302 108562
(12) Honor Elizabeth Wainio’s Phone Call
(a) FBI document IN-28689
(b) FBI document 302 84596. Interview with Esther Heymann. September 12, 2001
(c) Jere Longman’s account
(13) Unidentified Callers
(a) FBI document 302 1880. Interview with Andrew Lubkemann at SAMC. September 11, 2001
(b) FBI document 302 1888. Interview with unidentified operator at SAMC, most probably Richard Belme. September 11, 2001
(c) MFR 04017218. Interview with Andrew Lubkemann, SAMC, by staffers of the 9/11 Commission. November 21, 2003
(d) FBI document 302 20230. Interview with Dee Ann Freeman. September 11, 2001
Chapter 11. Reporting Bogus Events From Aircraft
(1) Inexplicable omissions
(a) No one witnessed cockpit entry by “hijackers”
(b) Most callers did not describe the “hijackers”
(c) No mention of foreign accent or what the “hijackers” said
(d) Most flight attendants didn’t bother to contact the pilots
(e) No one observed the stabbing of Mark Rothenberg (UA93)
(f) Nobody saw the killing of Daniel Lewin (AA11)
(g) Nobody saw the stabbing of a flight attendant
(h) No violence reported on flight AA77
(i) Nobody saw how the pilots were overpowered
(j) No impact sound was heard at the end of calls
(k) Flight attendants on flight AA11 didn’t mention the radical turn of the aircraft
(l) The only pilot among UA93 passengers wasn’t mentioned
(2) Reports which didn’t make sense
(a) Mace or pepper-spray that affects only one person
(b) The pilot of AA77 was allegedly aware of the “hijacking” but did not bother to report it to the ground
(c) Red bandanas to represent Islam?
(d) “We may have crossed the Mississippi”
(e) “We will crash in 20 seconds”
(f) Peter Hanson: “They intend to fly into buildings”
(g) Only three hijackers were reported by UA93 callers
(3) Puzzling conduct reported
(a) Callers reported murder with a calm voice
(b) The puzzling passivity of passengers and crew
(c) The puzzling nonchalance of three veteran flight attendants
(d) The puzzling conduct of passengers Beamer and Glick
(e) The lack of curiosity of flight attendant Madeline Sweeney
(f) Almost no callers from flights AA11, UA175 and AA77
(4) Unexplained contradictions
(a) When was the cockpit of flight UA93 overtaken?
(b) Was there or wasn’t there a doctor aboard flight AA11?
(c) Were passengers herded to the rear of the plane or not?
(d) Where did the “hijackers” sit in the plane?
(e) Were there guns on board?
(a) Betty Ong’s audio recording and its transcript
(b) Ed Felt’s audio recording and its transcript
(c) Cell phone calls misrepresented as air phone calls
(d) Burnett’s cell phone bill
(a) Wilesca Martinez’ call
(b) Peter Hanson’s testimonies were suppressed
(c) Evidence about Javis Johnson, a phone call recipient from flight UA93 with a strange story, was strictly suppressed
(d) Suppressed audio recordings of phone calls
(e) Evidence of Marquis’ direct contact with flight attendants was suppressed
(f) An FBI agent was interviewed and told not to make a report
(g) An FBI interview with Mercy Lorenzo was suppressed
(h) The initial interview report of Phyllis Johnson (UA93) is probably suppressed
(i) Lisa Jefferson’s first interview report was suppressed
(j) FBI interviews with Joseph DeLuca’s parents have been suppressed
(k) The FBI concealed from Cramer the recording of Felt’s call
(l) Three FBI documents relating to CeeCee Lyles are heavily redacted
(3) Suspected attempts to influence witnesses
(a) Was there an attempt to modify Lisa Jefferson’s testimony?
(b) Felt’s family monitored while listening to Ed Felt’s recording
(c) John W. Shaw was interviewed three times by the FBI on 9/11
(d) Repeated interviews of Michael Woodward
(e) Lee Hanson was repeatedly interviewed, including by Assistant US Attorney David Novak
(f) Renee May’s parents were repeatedly interviewed, including by Assistant US Attorney Robert Spencer
(g) Three lawyers attended interviews of United Airlines employees
(h) Glick’s wife retracts certain facts
Chapter 13. Devil’s Advocate
(1) Reports by callers on flight UA93 about passengers’ plan to attack the hijackers
(e) Honor Elizabeth Wainio
(2) Shouting and yelling heard in the background
(b) Bradshaw’s call to her husband (starting 9:50, lasting 470”)
(c) Marion Britton’s call (starting 9:49, lasting 232”)
(d) Tom Burnett’s calls (the last one occurring at 9:54, probably 1-2 minutes)
(e) Jeremy Glick’s call (starting 9:37, not terminated)
(f) Cee Cee Lyles’ second call (starting at 9:58, lasting about one minute)
(g) Honor Elizabeth Wainio’s call (starting at 9:53, lasting 269”)
(3) Intercepted radio messages of statements and shoutings
(b) Flights UA175 and AA77
Chapter 14. Fake Hijackings and Real Mass-Murder
(1) The military war games of September 11, 2001
(a) Evidence of a huge confusion
(b) The reason for the confusion
(c) The hijacking exercises of 9/11
(2) Did the phone callers participate in hijacking drills?
(a) The voice morphing theory
(b) The hijacking drill theory
(3) The enforced disappearance of the passengers and crew of the four flights
(1) An unprecedented propaganda coup
(2) The dereliction of academia
(3) The dereliction of the Left
(4) The futile demand for a new, independent investigation of 9/11
(a) Is a new investigation of 9/11 necessary?
(b) Is an independent investigation of 9/11 feasible?
(5) The revolutionary potential of 9/11-truth