3 Asceticism: Opening the Mountain
Fuji Pioneers: En no Gyoja and Matsudai Shonin
Shugendo: Fuji as an Ascetic Otherworld
Part 2 The Dynamics of a Cosmic Mountain
4 The Mountain Becomes the World
Kakugyo: Rebirth from Fuji
Minuki: Fuji as a Mountain Mandala
5 Touchstone of Ethical Life
Jikigyo Miroku: From Oil Merchant to Religious Reformer
Fasting to Death on Fuji and Transformation of Society
6 Cosmic Model and World Renewal
Fujido: Fuji as a Cosmic Mountain
Furikawari: The "Way of Fuji" as the Revolution of Society
7 Pilgrimage Confraternities: People Come to the Mountain
The "Eight Hundred and Eight" Fujiko
Fujiko: Pilgrimage to the Mountain
8 Miniature Fuji: The Mountain Comes to the People
Fujiko: Enshrining the Mountain
Fujizuka: Creating Miniature Fuji
Part 3 Fuji as Visual Ideal and Political Idea
9 Woodblock Prints and Popular Arts
Ukiyo-e: Fuji in the Floating World of Japan
Ukiyo-e: Fuji in the Floating World of Hiroshige and Hokusai
Fuji as Decoration and Souvenir
10 Western "Discovery" of Woodblock Prints
Ukiyo-e: Fuji in the Floating World of Japonisme
Japanese "Rediscovery" of Woodblock Prints
11 The Enduring Image of Fuji in Modern Times
Giving Form to Japan's Identity: Fuji and the Ideology of Nationalism
Framing Japan's Identity: Money and Postage Stamps
Part 4 Fuji Devotion in Contemporary Japan
The Decline of Fujiko in Modern Times
Miyamotoko: Edo Customs in Tokyo
13 New Religions and Fuji
Maruyamakyo: The Crater of Fuji as a Mecca
Gedatsukai: Old Traditions in a New Religion
14 Surveying Contemporary Fuji Belief and Practice
Statistics and Personal Statements on Fuji Spirituality
Part 5 Fuji the Flexible Symbol
Fuji as the Emblem of Peace
Stereotype and Commercial Logo, Erotica and Exotica
Secular Image and Patriotic Mantra
Epilogue: Descent from the Mountain
Appendix: Sino-Japanese Characters