1 Gender, Christianity, and the Rise of No Religion: The Heritage of the Sixties in Britain
2 Mothers and Daughters: Negotiating the Discourse on the ‘Good Woman’ in 1950s and 1960s Britain
3 Women, Religion, and the Turn to Feminism: Experiences of Women’s Liberation Activists in Britain in the Seventies
4 Saving Marriage: A Comparison of Religion and Marriage Promotion in the United States and Britain
5 Religious-Right Activism in Canada and the United States: Are We Headed in the Same Direction?
6 The Transformation of Catholic-Evangelical Relations in the United States: 1950–2000
7 Sex and Subculture: American Catholicism since 1945
8 ‘Without making a noise’: The Dumont Commission and the Drama of Quebec’s Dechristianization, 1968–1971
9 Making Témoins du Christ for the Twentieth Century: The European Origins of Religious Education in Quebec, 1930–1970
10 ’The truly educated person will know his heritage’: Shifting Conceptions of Religious Education in the Ontario Public School System, 1940–1970
11 Families beyond Patriarchy: Visions of Gender Equality and Childrearing among German Catholics in an Age of Revolution
12 The ‘New Curriculum’ Controversy and the Religious Crisis of the United Church of Canada, 1952–1965
13 ’Belief crucified upon a rooftop antenna’: Pierre Berton, The Comfortable Pew, and Dechristianization
14 A Different Path? National Catholicism, Laicization, and Dechristianization in Spain, 1939–1975
15 Dechristianization and the Changing Religious Landscape in Europe and North America since 1950: Comparative, Transatlantic, and Global Perspectives
16 Echoes and Fragments: Popular Christianity, British Nostalgia, and Post-Independence India
17 Bone Idol? British Catholics and Devotion to St Thérèse of Lisieux
18 Reflections and New Perspectives