Publication series :Contemporary Mathematics
Author: Ivan Rival
Publisher: American Mathematical Society
Publication year: 2011
E-ISBN: 9780821876442
P-ISBN(Paperback): 9780821850510
Subject: O144 Set Theory
Keyword: Algebra and Algebraic Geometry
Language: ENG
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Combinatorics and ordered sets
For the mathematician interested in discrete mathematics, from the senior undergraduate to the professional level, this volume provides first-rate surveys of the important combinatorics themes in ordered sets. These expository lectures, given at a 1985 Joint Summer Research Conference, cover a wide range of topics, which include: the three-machine problem to illustrate the order-theoretic aspects of scheduling theory; the techniques used in settling the “matching conjecture”; the decomposition of ordered sets into few chains; the reorientation of graphs; the varied occurrences of the meet-distribution property; surveys techniques used in settling binary sorting problems; the formulation of a general viewpoint for retraction; the survey of cutsets; and the role played by subdiagrams in ordered sets.