Abbreviations and
A. Introduction to the problem
B. Research objective, research questions and structure
2. The external general law sources
3. Intermediary conclusion
II. Rules of interpretation
III. Comparative law methodology
Part II:
Structure of the Office of the Prosecutor
A. Overview: Structure of the Court
B. Office of the Prosecutor
Part III:
The pre-investigation stage
A. Overview of proceedings before the ICC
B. Initiation of analysis –
the triggering procedure
1. Democratic Republic of Congo
3. Central African Republic
5. Article 15 situations (Côte d’Ivoire, Iraq, Venezuela, Palestine, Kenya, etc.)
II. Definition of the term
III. Distinguishing situation v. case
3. Demarcation line between situation and case
2. Preconditions of a State referral
4. Waivers of complementarity (including articles 18 and 19 proceedings)
5. Withdrawal of a referral
V. Security Council referral
1. Preconditions of a referral under article 13 (b)
2. Application of the principle of complementarity to SC referrals
3. Deferral according to article 16
b) Interpretation of elements
aa) Investigation or prosecution
cc) Period of twelve months
dd) Resolution adopted under Chapter VII of the UN Charter
ff) Renewal of the request
c) Practice of the SC under article 16
aa) SC-Res. 1422 (2002), 1487 (2003)
VI. Proprio motu power – article 15 analysis
3. Initiation of pre-investigations (paragraph 1)
4. Analysis of communications (paragraph 2)
5. Submission to the PTC/Victim's representations (paragraph 3)
6. Authorization to commence the full investigation (paragraph 4)
7. Subsequent requests (paragraph 5)
8. Duty to notify information providers (paragraph 6)
9. Intermediary conclusion regarding article 15
10. Article 12 (3) declarations
VII. Conclusion on the trigger mechanisms
C. Preliminary examination process
I. Relationship between article 15 and article 53
II. Overview of evaluation criteria
III. Preliminary examination method –
OTP practice
IV. Preliminary examination method – statutory basis
D. Seizure of pre-investigations
E. Concluding observations Part III
Part IV:
Selection criteria
B. The initiation of an investigation, article 53 paragraph 1
I. Drafting history of article 53
2. Exception to the duty to investigate
3. Determination of reasonable basis to proceed
4. OTP selection strategy approach
5. Academic approaches towards prosecutorial discretion at the ICC
6. Intermediary conclusion
III. Evaluation criteria (subparagraphs a–c)
1. Subparagraph a –
a) Reasonable basis to believe that a crime exists
b) Jurisdiction of the Court
2. Subparagraph b –
admissibility (article 17)
a) Drafting history overview
aa) Complementarity regarding situations –
"in a general manner" (degree and standard of specificity)
bb) Grounds for inadmissibility
cc) Exceptions to the ground of inadmissibility
(2) Unwillingness (article 17 (2))
(3) Inability (article 17 (3))
(5) Ne bis in idem principle
c) Legal gravity threshold –
article 17 (1) (d)
bb) Interpretation of gravity
(2) PTC I arrest warrants decision (Lubanga and Ntaganda)
(3) Judgment on appeal against PTC I’s arrest warrants decision
(5) Interpretation of gravity: Linking gravity to articles 53 (1) (b), 17 (d) and 53 (1) (c)
cc) Criteria for the gravity threshold
(1) PTC I arrest warrants decision (Lubanga and Ntaganda)
(3) Gravity and sentencing (ad hoc tribunals, SCSL)
(4) Recommendation regarding the legal gravity criteria
dd) Conclusion: Interpretation and criteria for legal and relative gravity
3. Subparagraph c –
interests of justice
aa) Literal, contextual and teleological interpretations
(1) NGO input on the "interests of justice"
(4) Own hypothesis: Broader concept of the "interests of justice"
cc) Interests of justice in the law of domestic jurisdictions and legislation
dd) International(ized) jurisdictions
ee) Conclusion and summary
b) Nonetheless substantial reasons: Proportionality test
c) All the circumstances –
open list of sub-criteria
d) Explicit factors to be considered
aa) Gravity of the crime –
relative gravity under article 53 (1) (c)
e) Other potential considerations
aa) Impact of an investigation (peace and security)
bb) Feasibility and effectiveness of an investigation
cc) Other alternative justice mechanisms
dd) Amnesties (and truth commissions revisited)
C. Article 53 paragraph 2
II. Warrant or summons under article 58
1. Taking into account all the circumstances
2. Gravity of the crime –
relative gravity under article 53 (2) (c)
3. The interest of the victims
4. Particular circumstances of the accused
a) The age or infirmity of the alleged perpetrator
b) Role in the alleged crime –
those bearing the greatest responsibility
aa) Big fish v. small fish debate: Focused investigations on those "bearing the greatest responsibility"
bb) ICTY and ICTR completion strategies (and sentencing decisions)
dd) PTC I arrest warrants decision (Lubanga and Ntaganda)
D. Duty to notify of a decision not to investigate
E. Article 53 paragraph 3
F. Concluding observations Part IV: Prosecutorial guidelines approach and referrals to national jurisdictions
Part V:
Concluding remarks
A. Summary of Parts I and II
Annex 1: Graphs of the Pre-Investigation Stage
A. Graph of the distinction situations and cases (Part III, B., III.)
B. Pre-Investigation Stage as conducted by the OTP (Situation Selection)
C. OTP Analysis Phase I-III (in detail)
Annex 2:
Country analysis
I. Austria (Civil law, Germanic family)
II. Canada (Common law and Civil law)
III. Cameroon (civil law and common law influence; African family)
V. Colombia (Civil law, Romanistic family, potential situation country)
VI. Côte d’Ivoire (Civil law, Romanistic family, African family, situation country)
VII. Democratic Republic of Congo (Civil law, Romanistic family, African family, situation country)
VIII. France (Civil law, Romanistic family)
IX. Germany (Civil law, Germanic family)
X. India (Common law, Hindu law)
XI. Kenya (Common law, African family, situation country)
XII. The Netherlands (Civil law)
XIII. Norway (Civil law, Nordic family)
XIV. South Africa (Common law)
XV. Sudan (Common law, Sharia law)
XVI. Uganda (Common law, African family, situation country)
XVII. United Kingdom (England and Wales) (Common law)
XVIII. United States (Common law)
C. Conclusion regarding the country analysis
Annex 3:
SC-Res. 1593 (2005)
2. Articles (journals, yearbooks and posted on the internet)
3. Contributions to collected work
4. International documents and reports