Abbreviations and Terminology
II. Historical Development of Asymmetric Warfare, Immediate Participation in Hostilities and Targeted Killings
III. Definition of Targeted Killings
1. The Hague Law, Geneva Law and International Criminal Law
2. Anonymous Killings versus Targeted Killings
3. International Human Rights Law
4. IHL’s Applicability ratione loci
5. IHL’s Applicability ratione temporis
B. International and Non-international Armed Conflicts
I. Qualification as an International Armed Conflict
II. Several Levels of Non-international Armed Conflicts
3. Impact on Targeted Killings and Immediate Participation in Hostilities
III. Particular International and Non-international Armed Conflicts
IV. Convergence of International and Non-international Armed Conflicts
V. Immediate Participation in Hostilities as a Concern of Non-international Armed Conflicts
C. Statuses during Armed Conflict
I. International Armed Conflicts
3. Allocation and Loss of Status
II. Non-international Armed Conflicts
1. No Combatant Status, no Prisoners of War
2. Emergence of the Law and States’ Interests
3. Impact on the Ground, Reciprocity and Legal Ethics
4. Voluntary Granting of Combatant Status?
5. Rights and Denomination of Members of the State’s Armed Forces
6. Conclusion on Statuses
III. Categories Independent of the Conflict’s Nature
IV. Correct Denomination of Immediately Participating Civilians
D. Principle of Distinction
I. Principle of Active Distinction
II. Principle of Passive Distinction
E. (No) Protection from Military Attack during Armed Conflict
2. Provisions Similar to Art. 51 (3) of AP I
3. Active, Direct, Real and Immediate Participation
a) Overview of the Different Concepts
b) How to Interpret the Different Concepts
aa) Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties of 1969 (VCLT)
bb) Statutory Interpretation in General
(1) Literal / Grammatical Interpretation
(2) Systematic Interpretation
(3) Teleological Interpretation
cc) Subsidiary Interpretation Methods under Art. 32 of the VCLT
(1) Travaux préparatoires
(2) Historical Interpretation
(3) International Texts and Practice
(4) International Texts and Practice put to the Test
(5) Inclusive and Conciliatory Interpretation
dd) Noscitur a sociis Approach
ee) “Immediate” Participation in Hostilities
4. Conclusion on the Exceptional Clause’s Appropriate Wording and its Reasoning
5. Remaining Protection for aCcivilian Taking an Immediate Part in Hostilities
a) International Armed Conflicts
b) Non-international Armed Conflicts
III. Loss of Protection from Attack via Membership in the Armed Forces or an Organized Armed Entity
2. Denomination of the Concerned Non-state Entities
3. Definition of Membership
4. International Armed Conflicts
a) Qualification as an Organized Resistance Movement and Loss of Protection from Attack
b) Additional Qualification for Combatant Status
c) Comprehensive Understanding of Members of an Organized Resistance Movement
d) Individuals not under Military Command
5. Non-international Armed Conflicts
a) Strict Requirements for Organized Armed Groups
b) Absence of Combatant Status
c) Continuous Combat Function
d) No Immunity from Attack
6. Practical Consequences of a Strict Approach for the Entities’ Qualification
7. Duration of Membership
8. Concluding Remarks on Membership Approach
F. Immediate Participation in Hostilities
II. Israeli Judgment (“Targeted Killings” Case)
III. ICRC Interpretive Guidance
IV. Case-by-case Approach?
V. Definition of Immediate Participation in Hostilities
1. “And for such Time as” – Immediate Participation in Hostilities ratione temporis
b) Beginning of Immediate Participation in Hostilities
c) End of Immediate Participation in Hostilities
aa) “Specific Acts Approach” and its “Revolving Door”
bb) Not an Issue of lex scripta versus lex non scripta
cc) Taking into Account the Entire “Hostile Period”
dd) One-time Immediate Participation in Hostilities
ee) Case of Return from Attack
ff) Responsibility to Determine the End of Immediate Participation on the Ground
gg) How to Signal the End of Membership or of Immediate Participation in Hostilities?
(1) Individualized Approach
(2) Database Registration
(3) Burden of Proof Lies with the Attacker
(4) How to Accelerate the End of Membership or Immediate Participation in Hostilities?
5. Classic Notions of Criminal Law
a) Attempt, Threat, Likelihood of Harm and Guilt
b) Actus reus and mens rea
6. Additional Requirements for (Im-)Mediate Participation in Hostilities
a) The Unlawfulness of an Act and the Weakening of the Adversary
VI. Specific Cases of Immediate Participation in Hostilities
VII. Illustrative Examples of Immediate Participation in Hostilities
VIII. Mediate Participation in Hostilities
IX. Right to Immediate Participation in Hostilities
G. Practice of Targeted Killings in Light of other IHL Principles
II. Prohibitions of Perfidy and Denial of Quarter
III. Other Principles and Conclusion
H. Legality of Targeted Killings in Armed Conflict
IV. Ex post Investigation of a Killing’s Legality?
II. Application of the Law and its Principles
2. Qualification of the Conflict and Corresponding Legal Texts
3. Assessment of the collectivities and the individuals as well as of their acts
aa) Intrinsic Characteristics
bb) Military Vulnerability
aa) Intrinsic Characteristics
bb) Military Vulnerability and no General Criminal Liability
cc) Lawfulness of the forZes’ Acts
III. “And for such Time as”
IV. Use of Appropriate Expressions
References and Bibliography
Domestic Legislation, Regulation and Communication