9. The Paradise of Dictionaries and Critics
10. Mme. de Stael and the Other Germany. Divinity Studies
15. Ordination and Marriage: Love and Reason
17. Gerando and the First Philosophy
18. The Wreck of Earthly Good
19. In My Study My Faith Is Perfect
23. I Will Be a Naturalist
24. A White Day in My Years
26. Mary Rotch: Life without Choice
27. A Living Leaping Logos
28. A Theory of Animated Nature
33. The Art of Writing. Jakob Boehme
35. Alcott and English Literature
37. Nature: The Laws of the World
38. Nature: The Apocalypse of the Mind
41. The Forging of the Anchor
42. We Are Not Children of Time
46. The Peace Principle and the Cherokee Trail of Tears
48. Go Alone: Refuse the Great Models
49. New Books, New Problems
54. The Heart Has Its Jubilees
55. Identity and Metamorphosis
56. Brook Farm and Margaret Fuller
57. Pythagoras and Plotinus
58. Osman's Ring: A Work of Ecstasy
59. The Frightful Hollows of Space
60. The Dream of Community
66. Emerson's Emancipation Address
The Natural History of Intellect
72. The New Domestic Order. Poems
74. I Shall Never Graduate
76. The Natural History of Intellect
77. Chartism and Revolution
78. Return: Quarrel with Thoreau
79. The Walden Sierras. Quetelet
80. Therienisrn and the Hegelian Moment
82. The Matter of Margaret
85. The Fugitive Slave Act
86. The Science of Liberty
88. Country Walking and the Sea
92. The Remedy at the Hour of Need
93. The Power and Terror of Thought
95. Civil War. Death of Thoreau
98. Harvard. California. Fire
100. Fire at the Core of the World
Chronology of the Life of Ralph Waldo Emerson