Read-only, updatable, and writeable materialized views
Read-only materialized views
Updatable materialized views
Writeable materialized views
Using the GROUP BY clause
Using the UPDATE operation clauses
Subqueries that return multiple rows
Chapter 2: Data Manipulation
Conversion between datatypes
Array slicing and splicing
Inserting JSON data in PostgreSQL
Inserting XML data in PostgreSQL
Creating composite types in PostgreSQL
Altering composite types in PostgreSQL
Dropping composite types in PostgreSQL
Adding triggers to PostgreSQL
Modifying triggers in PostgreSQL
Removing a trigger function
Creating a trigger function
Testing the trigger function
Viewing existing triggers
Chapter 4: Understanding Database Design Concepts
The ability to solve the problem
The ability to hold the required data
The ability to support relationships
The ability to impose data integrity
The ability to impose data efficiency
The ability to accommodate future changes
Many-to-many relationships
Chapter 5: Transactions and Locking
Effect of concurrency on transactions
Transactions and savepoints
Implementing isolation levels
Transaction isolation levels
Changing the isolation level
Using explicit and implicit transactions
Chapter 6: Indexes and Constraints
Introduction to indexes and constraints
Chapter 7: Table Partitioning
Alternate partitioning methods
Chapter 8: Query Tuning and Optimization
Optimizer settings for cached data
Multiple ways to implement a query
Bad query performance with stale statistics
Generating and reading the Explain Plan
Subquery Scan and Subplan
Chapter 9: PostgreSQL Extensions and Large Object Support
Database links in PostgreSQL
Using binary large objects
Writing data to a large object
Chapter 10: Using PHP in PostgreSQL
PHP-to-PostgreSQL connections
Helper functions to deal with data fetching
Chapter 11: Using Java in PostgreSQL
Making database connections to PostgreSQL using Java
Using Java to create a PostgreSQL table
Using Java to insert records into a PostgreSQL table
Using Java to update records into a PostgreSQL table
Using Java to delete records into a PostgreSQL table
Using prepared statements