Chapter 2: Expansion of Greenhouse Farming in the Area of El Ejido: A Case Study on the Environmental and Social Consequences of Agroindustry in Southeast Spain#
University of Granada, Spain
Introduction: Deep Agrarian Changes in El Ejido
Environmental Effects and Ecologist’s Complaints
Fragmentation of Farmers and Their Difficulties for Mobilization
Segregation of Immigrants and Exceptional Xenophobic Riots
Organizational Difficulties of Immigrants and Their Occasional Mobilization
Chapter 3: Effects of Pesticides on Cambodia Farming and Food Production: Alternatives to Regulatory Policies
Cambodian Rules about Pesticides
Part II. Eating Habits, Physical Activity, Body, and Health
Chapter 4: The Impact of Physical Activity and Psychological Factors on Eating Habits
1University of Education, Winneba, Ghana
2University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana
Conclusion and Recommendations
Chapter 5: Strategies for the Care of Obese: A Non-Prescriptive Nutritional Perspective
Introduction: Are the Weigh-Centered
Interventions Delivering Their Promises?
Being Overweight and Healthy:
Is That a Plausible Reality?
Non-Prescriptive Interventions:
Innovative and Transforming Alternatives
Novel Strategies and Tools for the Care of Obese
1) Learning to Rely on the Hunger and Satiety Cues
2) Managing Different Food Contexts
3) Giving Permission to Eat
Chapter 6: Body Cult in Contemporary Societies: Sport, Self-Image And Health*
Post-Fordism and Postmodernity As the Frameworks to Contextualise Body Cult at Present
Bodybuilding As a Lifestyle versus the Ludic Conceptualisation of Sports
The Commodisation of Body Image
Healthy Eating and Body Care
Body Cult in the Post-Fordist Logic
Postmodern Contradiction between Ideal Image and Real Obesity
State Intervention: Health and Education
Chapter 7: Eating Habits, Falls and Stroke Risk
Part III. Advertising and Discourses on Food
Chapter 8: Between Health and Beauty: Food Advertised as Medication
The Obsession with the Body
Chapter 9: Health as a Hook in Food Advertising
The Regulation of Food Advertising
Studies on Food Advertising and Health and Nutrition Claims: a Brief Summary
A. A Thematic Analysis of the Advertising Spots Selected for the Study Sample
B. Brands Represented in the Sample and Health Claims
C. Type of Health-Related Advertising Claims as Defined by Current Legislation
D. The Context/Scenario in Which a Product is Presented in Advertising
Chapter 10: Food, Marketing and Culture: Discourses of Food Advertising in Spain
Food Advertising: Between Practice and Discourse
The Transformation of Food Culture through Publicity
The Discourses of Food Advertising
Discourse of Tradition, Nature and Identity
Medical-nutritional Discourse
Discourse of Progress and Modernity
Discourse of Distinction and Difference
Part IV. Children's Eating Habits
Chapter 11: Identifying Eating Habits in Multicultural Schools through Focus Groups with Children
Participants: Formation and Selection of Focus Groups
Construction Process and Application
Interpretation and Analysis
Chapter 12: Insights into Children’s Lunchboxes: Understanding the Issues Impacting The Selection of Contents by Australian Parents
Phase 1: Literature Review
Childhood Obesity and Overweight in Australia
The Role of Parents in Children’s Dietary Practices
Part V. Changes in Eating Habits
Chapter 13: Changing Urban Food Consumption Patterns in the Context of Globalization: The Case of India
1Visiting Professor, Madras School of Economics, India
2Research Associate, Madras School of Economics, India
Changes in the Urban Dietary Patterns
Affordability, Livelihoods and Urbanization
Food Processing Sector and Diet Globalization in India
Chapter 14: Social Changes and Transformations in Eating Habits
Preliminary Considerations
Methodology and Objectives
Between ‘Distinction’ and ‘Normality’
Regarding the Ideal Body and Food Individuation
Food Defamilization and Deterritorialization under Globalization