Journal of Clinical Medicine

Publisher: MDPI

Founded in: 2012

Total resources: 41

E-ISSN: 2077-0383

ISSN: 2077-0383

Subject: R4 Clinical Medicine


Disclaimer: Any content in publications that violate the sovereignty, the constitution or regulations of the PRC is not accepted or approved by CNPIEC.


Long-Term Increase of Radiographic Damage and Disability in Patients with RA in Relation to Disease Duration in the Era of Biologics. Results from the SCQM Cohort

By Heinimann Katja,von Kempis Johannes,Sauter Rafael,Schiff Michael,Sokka-Isler Tuulikki,Schulze-Koops Hendrik,Müller Rüdiger in (2018)

Journal of Clinical Medicine , Vol. 7, Iss. 3, 2018-03 , pp. 57-57


Abstract Access to resources Recommend Favorite

Outcomes for Women with Gestational Diabetes Treated with Metformin: A Retrospective, Case-Control Study

By McGrath Rachel T.,Glastras Sarah J.,Scott Emma S.,Hocking Samantha L.,Fulcher Gregory R. in (2018)

Journal of Clinical Medicine , Vol. 7, Iss. 3, 2018-03 , pp. 50-50


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