One - Monitoring and evaluationof the mechanical performance of biomaterials in vivo
1 - Nanostructured ceramics
1.2 Test methods for nanostructured ceramics
1.2.1 Micro/nanostructural evaluation
1.3 Nanostructured bioceramics
1.3.1 Low-temperature chemical bonding
1.3.2 Why nanostructures in chemically bonded ceramics?
1.3.3 Nanostructures in the Ca aluminate–Ca phosphate system
1.4 Application field of nanostructured bioceramics
1.4.1 Dental applications including coating products
1.4.2 Orthopedic applications
1.4.3 Drug delivery carrier applications
1.5 Conclusion and summary
2 - Monitoring degradation products and metal ions in vivo
2.2 Biodegradable metals: state of the art
2.2.1 The metals and their alloys
2.2.2 The temporary functional implants
2.2.3 The in vivo degradation
2.3 In vivo implantation study of biodegradable metals
2.4 Current in vivo techniques for monitoring degradation
2.4.3 Microcomputed tomography
2.4.4 Magnetic resonance imaging
2.4.6 Histological analysis
2.5 Proposed new in vivo monitoring techniques
2.5.1 Monitoring local changes surrounding an implantation site
2.5.2 Monitoring systemic changes in body fluid
2.5.3 Off-clinic point-of-care implant monitoring
two - Monitoring and evaluationof the biological responseto biomaterials in vivo
3 - Imaging biomaterial-associated inflammation
3.2 Near-infrared fluorescence imaging
3.2.1 Inflammatory cell imaging
3.2.2 Macromolecular protein imaging
3.2.3 Small molecule imaging
3.3 Chemiluminescence imaging
3.4 Bioluminescence imaging
3.5 Magnetic resonance imaging
3.6 Conclusions and future perspectives
4 - Monitoring fibrous capsule formation
4.5 Fibrous capsule formation
4.6 Diameters of single-polymer fibers and tissue response
4.7 Monitor capsule formation around soft tissue
4.8 Glucose monitoring in vivo through fluorescent hydrogel fibers
4.9 Cellular and molecular composition of fibrous capsules formed around silicone breast implants
4.10 Capsular contracture after two-stage breast reconstruction
4.11 Graphene-based biosensor for future perspectives
5 - Monitoring biomineralization of biomaterials in vivo
5.3 Disruption to the biomineralization process and tissue engineering
5.4 Biomaterials for the repair of mineralized tissue
5.5 In vitro characterization of biomineralization
5.5.3 Fluorescent microscopy
5.5.4 Infrared spectrometry and Raman spectroscopy
5.5.6 Transmission and scanning electron microscopy
5.5.7 Energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry and electron energy-loss spectroscopy
5.5.8 Atomic force microscopy
5.5.9 Atom probe tomography
5.6 In vivo characterization of biomineralization
5.6.3 Positron emission tomography
5.6.4 X-ray computed tomography
5.6.5 Magnetic resonance imaging
5.6.6 Optical coherence tomography
5.6.7 Fluorescent imaging
5.6.9 Multiphoton imaging
6 - Measuring gene expression changes on biomaterial surfaces
6.1.1 Measuring global gene expression
6.1.2 Measuring specific gene expression patterns
6.1.3 Localizing the expression of genes of interests
6.2 Considerations when measuring gene expression
6.2.1 Assumptions underlying mRNA analysis
6.2.2 Gene expression versus protein expression Alternate RNA splicing Posttranslational modifications
6.3 Using gene expression for analysis of cell response to biomaterials
6.3.1 Example 1: influence of biomaterials on osteogenic gene expression and mineralization in hPDL cells Choosing an appropriate cell model Experimental design Gene expression analysis
Extracellular matrix and mineralization markers
Genes not associated with osteogenesis
6.4 Gene expression in a context of skin healing
6.4.1 The skin repair process and the three phases of wound healing Inflammatory phase Proliferative phase
6.4.2 Biomaterials and their effect on wound healing: a practical example Methods for in vivo gene expression analysis
In situ hybridization and inflammation
Proliferative phase and microarrays
Remodeling phase of healing and RT-qPCR
6.5 Future trends/conclusions
Three - Monitoring and evaluation of functional biomaterial performance in vivo
7 - Monitoring and tracking metallic nanobiomaterials in vivo
7.1 Metallic nanobiomaterials
7.1.2 Magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles
7.2 Metallic nanobiomaterials for monitoring and tracking in vivo
7.2.1 Tracking cellular regeneration
7.2.2 Biodistribution monitoring of metallic nanobiomaterials to target tissue
7.2.3 Metallic nanobiomaterials for monitoring inflamed tissue
7.3 Biodistribution and elimination of metallic nanobiomaterials
7.3.1 Biodistribution and elimination of gold nanoparticles in vivo
7.3.2 Biodistribution and elimination of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles in vivo
8 - High-resolution imaging techniques in tissue engineering
8.2 Phase contrast microscopy
8.2.2 Quantitative phase imaging
8.3.2 Confocal reflectance microscopy
8.3.3 Confocal florescence microscopy
8.4 Multiphoton microscopy
8.4.2 Two-photon fluorescence microscopy
8.4.3 Second harmonic generation microscopy
8.5 Optical coherence tomography
8.5.3 Polarization sensitive OCT
8.5.4 Optical coherence elastography
8.5.5 Doppler optical coherence tomography
8.5.6 Speckle variance optical coherence tomography
8.6 Photoacoustic microscopy
8.6.2 Acoustic resolution photoacoustic microscopy
8.6.3 Optical resolution photoacoustic microscopy
8.7.2 Cell analysis with Raman spectroscopy
8.7.3 Biomaterial analysis with Raman spectroscopy
8.8 Multimodality imaging
9 - Magnetic resonance imaging monitoring of cartilage tissue engineering in vivo
9.3 Cartilage tissue engineering
9.3.3 Signaling molecules and growth factors
9.4 Animal models in cartilage tissue engineering
9.6 Magnetic resonance imaging
9.7 Magnetic resonance imaging assessment of tissue-engineering cartilage in vivo
10 - Noninvasive optical imaging of stem cell differentiation in biomaterials using photonic crystal surfaces
10.2 Motivation for noninvasive optical imaging of stem cells in vitro: adhesion phenotyping of stem cell differentiation
10.2.1 Material-based approaches to regulate stem cell fate decisions in vitro
10.2.2 Challenges associated with in vitro control of stem cell fate decisions
10.2.3 Adhesion phenotyping of stem cells
10.2.4 Noninvasive optical imaging as a potential new tool of stem cell characterization
10.3 History: optical imaging of cells using photonic crystal enhanced microscopy (PCEM)
10.3.1 Basic principles of PCEM
10.3.2 Optical imaging of live cells using PCEM (Cunningham group publications)
10.4 PCEM imaging of stem cell differentiation
10.5 Conclusions and future outlook