Chapter 1: Day 01 - Overview of the .NET Framework
Available IDEs and editors for C#
Setting up the environment
Chapter 2: Day 02 - Getting Started with C#
History of the C# language
Understanding a typical C# program
Deep-dive into application using Visual Studio
An overview of C# reserved keywords, types, and operators
Discussing operator precedence in C#
An overview of type conversion
if...else if...else statement
Exception-handling statement
Arrays and string manipulations
Chapter 3: Day 03 - What's New in C#
Tuples and deconstruction
The System.ValueTuple struct
Tuple – important points to remember
When clause in case expression
Restrictions while using new signatures
Other features supposed to release
Pattern-matching with generics
Chapter 4: Day 04 - Discussing C# Class Members
Access modifiers and accessibility levels
Rules for the access modifier
Rules of the abstract modifier
Rules for the static modifier
Expression-bodied members
Property using validation
Different compiler-generated exceptions in catch block
Discussing a regular expression and its importance
The Importance of a regular expression
Specifying the number of matches
Chapter 5: Day 05 - Overview of Reflection and Collections
Overview of delegates and events
Declaring a delegate type
Collections and non-generics
Declaration of SortedList
Chapter 6: Day 06 - Deep Dive with Advanced Concepts
Playing with collections and generics
Understanding collection classes and their usage
Performance - BitArray versus boolArray
Understanding generics and their usage
Why should we use generics?
The base class constraint
Beautifying code using attributes
Creating and implementing a custom attribute
Leveraging preprocessor directives
Preprocessor directives in action
Getting started with LINQ
Writing asynchronous code
Chapter 7: Day 07 - Understanding Object-Oriented Programming with C#
Discussing Object relations
Understanding inheritance
Member visibility in inheritance
Implementing multiple inheritance in C#
Features of abstract class
What are access modifier in C#?
Implementing encapsulation
Implementing polymorphism
Chapter 8: Day 08 - Test Your Skills – Build a Real-World Application
Why are we developing this application?
Getting started with application development
Discussing the basic architecture