Chapter 1 Overview of Immunity
Mechanisms of Adaptive Immunity
Interactions between Acquired andInnate Immunity
Chapter 2 Innate Immunity
Physical and Physiologic Barriers
Enzymatic and Protein Effectors
Cellular Effectors of Innate Immunity
Innate Responses to Viral Infection
Inflammation: Orchestrating theInnate Effectors
Cross-Talk between the Innate andAcquired Arms of Immunity
Chapter 3 Cells of the Immune System
Hematopoiesis and Generation of Cells of theImmune System
Identification of Cells viaSurface Markers
Morphology and Function ofMyeloid Cells
Morphology and Function ofLymphoid Cells
Major Populations and Subpopulationsof Lymphocytes
Chapter 4 Organs and Tissues of the
Immune System
Generative Lymphoid Organs
The Anatomy of Immune Responses
Peripheral Lymphoid Organs
Regulation of Complement Activation
Synthesis of Complement Proteins
Disorders Associated with Defects inSynthesis of Complement Proteins
Chemical Structure of Antibodies
Classification of Antibodies
The Immunoglobulin Superfamily
Chapter 7 Molecular Genetics of
Antibody Diversity
Observations and Theories Predating MolecularGenetics of Immunoglobulin Genes
Organization of theImmunoglobulin Genes
The Mechanism of Variable-RegionGene Assembly
Generation of Antibody Diversity
Productive and NonproductiveRearrangements: Allelic Exclusion
Regulation of ImmunoglobulinExpression
An AID in the Generation ofImmunoglobulin Diversity
Chapter 8 Antigens, Antigenicity,
and Immunogenicity
General Properties of Antigens
Activation of T Cells and B Cellsby Antigen
Antigenicity and Immunogenicity
Important Antigens fromInfectious Agents
Chapter 9 Antibody-Antigen Interactions
and Measurements of
Immunologic Reactions
The Concept of Specificity
Deviations from Absolute Specificity
The Physical Nature of the Antibody-Antigen Interaction
The Law of Mass Action and ItsApplication to Antigen-Antibody Binding
Types of Assays To Measure Antigen-Antibody Interactions
Use of Antibodies To DifferentiateTissues and Cells
Measurements of Immunity to Infection
Measurements of Cell-Mediated Immunity
Chapter 10 B-Lymphocyte Activation and
Antibody Production
Interaction of Antigen and BLymphocyte: the BCR
Regulation of BCR Signal Transduction
Germinal Centers and B-CellMaturation
Interaction of B Cells with FDCs
Antibody Production by BLymphocytes
B-Lymphocyte Interaction withT Lymphocytes
Effect of Cytokines on B-CellActivation and Antibody Production
Apoptosis: the Flip Side of B-CellActivation
Chapter 11 The Major Histocompatibility
Discovery of the MHC Gene Complex
General Arrangement of the MHCGene Complex
Basic Nomenclature of MHC Genesand Proteins
Use of Inbred Mouse Strains inExperimental Immunology
Structure of MHC Class I andClass II Proteins
Peptide Binding by MHC Class I and Class II Proteins
Variation in Classical MHC Class I and Class II Proteins and Effect on Peptide Binding
Serologic and Sequence-Based Identification of MHC Proteins and Relationship to MHC Polymorphism
MHC Proteins with Ancillary Roles in Antigen Presentation
MHC Class III: MHC Proteins with NoRole in Antigen Presentation
Roles of Some Nonclassical MHC Gene Products in Activation of T Cells in Response to Novel Stimuli
MHC-Like Antigen-Presenting Molecules Encoded by Genes Located outside the MHC and Roles in Presentation of Unusual Antigens
Chapter 12 Antigen Processing and
Antigen-Processing Pathways
Antigen Presentation by MHC Class I
Antigen Presentation by MHC Class II
Presentation of Nonclassical, Nonprotein Antigens to T Cells
Chapter 13 The T-Cell Receptor
Isolation and Characterization of the TCR
Organization of TCR Genes
Generation of Diversity in the TCR
Production of a Functional Receptor
Chapter 14 T-Cell Maturation and
T-Cell Maturation and Development inthe Thymus
T-Cell Activation and Antigen Recognition
Chapter 15 Cellular Communication
Interaction of Cells of the Immune System
Soluble Mediators of Communication:
Cytokines and Chemokines
Role of Cytokines in Other Diseases
Chapter 16 Cell-Mediated Immunity
Fundamental Aspects of Cell-Mediated Immunity
Initiating Cell-Mediated Immunity
Cell-Mediated Cytotoxicity
Chapter 17 Mucosal Immunity
Urogenital Tract Immunity
Damage to Mucosal Sites by theImmune Response
Chapter 18 Immunity to Bacterial
Immune System Function and Resistance to Bacterial Infections
The Study of How Bacteria Cause Disease: Bacterial Pathogenesis
Initial Stage of Bacterial Infection: Colonization of Host Surfaces
Tissue Invasion and Disease
Bacterial Virulence Factors: How They Thwart Host Immunity
Bioterrorism and Bacterial Pathogens
Antigenic Targets Involved in Protective Immunity
Chapter 19 Immunity to Viruses
Viruses and Acquired Immunity
Structural Properties of the Virus
Evasion of Host Antiviral Immune Defenses
Chapter 20 Immunity to Parasitic and
Fungal Infections
Immune Responses in Parasitic Infections
Immune Effectors in Parasitic Infections
Immune Evasion by Parasites
Immunology of Fungal Infections
Chapter 21 Vaccines and Vaccination
Early and Defining Issues in Vaccine Development
Basic Concepts of Vaccination
Immune Recognition of Pathogens
Vaccine Components and Vaccination Strategies
Vaccines for Fungal Infections
Vaccines for Parasitic Diseases
Chapter 22 Immunology and AIDS
Etiology and Epidemiology of AIDS
Immune Defects Due to HIV-1 Infection
Immune Responses to HIV-1 Infection
Evasion of Immune Responses by HIV-1
Pharmacologic Therapy for HIV-1Infection
Potential Vaccines and Immuno therapies for HIV-1 Infection
Chapter 23 Clinical and Genetic
Perspectives in Primary
Immunodeficiency Disorders
Basic Defects Leading to ImmuneDysfunction
Clinical Manifestations of Immunodeficiency
Respiratory Tract Infection
Skin Manifestations of Immune Deficiency
Oral Manifestations of Immune Deficiency
Viral Illnesses or Vaccine Complications of Unusual Severity
Chapter 24 Cancer and the
Immune System
Cancer Is a Disease of Genes
The Immune Response to Cancer
Mechanisms of Antitumor Immunity
Immune Cell Types Important in Antitumor Immunity
Tumor Surveillance Theory
Chapter 25 Hypersensitivity
Historical Understanding of the Concept of Hypersensitivity
Subtypes of Allergic Responsiveness
Chapter 26 Autoimmunity and Disease
Autoimmunity and Autoimmune Diseases
Targets of Autoimmune Diseases
Pathogenesis of Autoimmune Diseases
Animal Models of Autoimmune Diseases
Therapy for Autoimmune Diseases
Chapter 27 Transplantation Immunology
The Role of Major HistocompatibilityAntigens versus MinorHistocompatibility Antigens inTransplantation
Initiation of a Graft Rejection Response
Effector Mechanisms of Allograft Rejection
Graft-versus-Host Disease
Classes of Immunosuppressive Drugs
Appendix B Antigen Names with
CD Designation Equivalents
Appendix C Cytokines, Chemokines, and Their Receptors
Appendix D Cell Types and Immune-Related Functions
Appendix E Historical Timeline of Immunology
Appendix F Time Course of a Typical Immune Response
Appendix G Comparison of Relative Sizes of Cells,
Structures, and Molecules That Are Relevant
to Infection and Immunity