Sinti and Roma

Author: Ziemann   Benjamin;  

Publisher: Berghahn Books‎

Publication year: 1998

E-ISBN: 9781782381877

Subject: K516.8 National Shi

Keyword: null 社会学,伦理学(道德哲学),社会科学理论与方法论Social Science Theory and MethodologyEthics ( Moral Philosophy )Sociology

Language: ENG

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According to opinion polls, Germans are less favorably disposed towards the Sinti and Roma than towards any other ethnic group, despite the fact that few Germans have any personal knowledge of them or even realize that the Sinti and Roma in Germany include both Germans and non-Germans. The image of the Sinti and Roma prevalent in German society and literature is one similarly founded on misconceptions and stereotypes. This volume deals in depth with the life of the Sinti and Roma in Germany and their representation in German literature, giving the background to the maltreatment, underlining the fact that the persecution of Gypsies during the Nazi period, which until the 1980s has been totally marginalized by historians, did not cease in 1945. The continuity of anti-Gypsyism is traced to the present day, and the efforts, achievements and aspirations of the Sinti and Roma civil rights movement are highlighted.

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