Coloured quarks, glueballs and hybrids
Coloured quarks, glueballs and hybrids
Composite systems: from molecules to quarks
Composite systems: from molecules to quarks
Colour, the Pauli principle and spin-flavour correlations
Colour, the Pauli principle and spin-flavour correlations
Symmetries and correlations in baryons
Symmetries and correlations in baryons
Colour, the Pauli principle and magnetic moments
Colour, the Pauli principle and magnetic moments
The potential and the force
The potential and the force
Quarkonium decay amplitudes
Quarkonium decay amplitudes
Primitive glueball decays
Primitive glueball decays
QQ and glueball decays in strong coupling QCD
QQ and glueball decays in strong coupling QCD
Glueball-qq mixing at O(V_1)
Glueball-qq mixing at O(V_1)
Production in psi --> gamma R
Production in psi --> gamma R
Mixing of scalar glueball and quarkonia
Mixing of scalar glueball and quarkonia
Glue, qq and mesons: a hierarchy
Glue, qq and mesons: a hierarchy
Electron scattering and nuclear structure
Electron scattering and nuclear structure
A source of virtual massive photons
A source of virtual massive photons
Nuclear many-body problem
Nuclear many-body problem
Experimental determination of charge densities
Experimental determination of charge densities
The 3s proton charge-distribution
The 3s proton charge-distribution
The shape of correlated wave functions
The shape of correlated wave functions
Nucleon-nucleon correlations
Nucleon-nucleon correlations
Deuteron electrodisintegration at threshold
Deuteron electrodisintegration at threshold
The three-nucleon systems
The three-nucleon systems
Trinucleon magnetic form factors
Trinucleon magnetic form factors
Trinucleon charge form factors
Trinucleon charge form factors
Form factors in isospin space
Form factors in isospin space
The nucleon spin structure
The nucleon spin structure
Bjorken and Ellis-Jaffe sum rules
Bjorken and Ellis-Jaffe sum rules
Theoretical interpretation
Theoretical interpretation
Polarized deep inelastic lepton scattering
Polarized deep inelastic lepton scattering
Semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering
Semi-inclusive deep inelastic scattering
Polarized proton beams in HERA
Polarized proton beams in HERA
The electron nucleus collider project at GSI
The electron nucleus collider project at GSI
Algebraic methods in nuclear physics: The interacting boson and boson-fermion models
Algebraic methods in nuclear physics: The interacting boson and boson-fermion models
The interacting boson model (lecture 1)
The interacting boson model (lecture 1)
The interacting boson model-2 (lecture 2)
The interacting boson model-2 (lecture 2)
The Lie algebra U_(pi)(6) + U_(nu)(6)
The Lie algebra U_(pi)(6) + U_(nu)(6)
Difference between IBM-2 and IBM-1
Difference between IBM-2 and IBM-1
The interacting boson-fermion model (lecture 3)
The interacting boson-fermion model (lecture 3)
Bose-Fermi and supersymmetries
Bose-Fermi and supersymmetries
Algebraic model of hadrons (lecture 4)
Algebraic model of hadrons (lecture 4)
Gaussian time-dependent variational principle for phi^4 field theory and for bosons contact interaction in one dimension
Gaussian time-dependent variational principle for phi^4 field theory and for bosons contact interaction in one dimension
The phi^4 field theory and the time-independent Gaussian variational approximation
The phi^4 field theory and the time-independent Gaussian variational approximation
Equation of motion in the small oscillation regime
Equation of motion in the small oscillation regime
Solution for the small-oscillation equation
Solution for the small-oscillation equation
The delta G wave function and the T-matrix
The delta G wave function and the T-matrix
Running coupling constant (s more than 0)
Running coupling constant (s more than 0)
Bound state and stability (s less than 0)
Bound state and stability (s less than 0)
Massless theory and instability
Massless theory and instability
Gaussian time-dependent variational principle for bosons contact interaction in one dimension
Gaussian time-dependent variational principle for bosons contact interaction in one dimension
Contact interaction in the one-dimensional uniform case
Contact interaction in the one-dimensional uniform case
Numerical results and conclusions
Numerical results and conclusions
A statistical approach to the theory of the mean field
A statistical approach to the theory of the mean field
Averaging upon the energy
Averaging upon the energy
Corrections to the energy of the mean field
Corrections to the energy of the mean field
Explicit expressions for the projection operator and the HF theory
Explicit expressions for the projection operator and the HF theory
Occupancy of the mean-field ground state
Occupancy of the mean-field ground state
A simple model for nuclear matter
A simple model for nuclear matter
Appendix A - The bare interaction and the HF theory
Appendix A - The bare interaction and the HF theory
Appendix B - Vacuum --> 2p-2h matrix element
Appendix B - Vacuum --> 2p-2h matrix element
Understanding hadron structure using lattice QCD
Understanding hadron structure using lattice QCD
Introduction and motivation
Introduction and motivation
U(1) gauge theory and the Wilson action
U(1) gauge theory and the Wilson action
Strong-coupling expansion
Strong-coupling expansion
Continuum limit and renormalization
Continuum limit and renormalization
Naive lattice fermions and doubling
Naive lattice fermions and doubling
Hopping parameter expansion
Hopping parameter expansion
The role of instantons in light hadrons
The role of instantons in light hadrons
Identifying instantons by cooling
Identifying instantons by cooling
Comparison of results with all gluons and with only instantons
Comparison of results with all gluons and with only instantons
Eigenmodes of the Dirac operator
Eigenmodes of the Dirac operator
Synthesis and properties of the heaviest nuclei
Synthesis and properties of the heaviest nuclei
Nuclear shells and stability of heavy nuclei
Nuclear shells and stability of heavy nuclei
Observations of enhanced stability near closed deformed shells
Observations of enhanced stability near closed deformed shells
Problems of synthesizing superheavy nuclei near closed spherical shells
Problems of synthesizing superheavy nuclei near closed spherical shells
The production of a 48Ca ion beam
The production of a 48Ca ion beam
Fermionic composites in Nuclear and Particle Physics
Fermionic composites in Nuclear and Particle Physics
Odd composites as integration variables
Odd composites as integration variables
Perturbation theory in terms of the nucleons
Perturbation theory in terms of the nucleons
The effective action for the pairing model
The effective action for the pairing model
A quadratic action for the pions
A quadratic action for the pions
Breaking of the chiral invariance
Breaking of the chiral invariance
Quarks of lower dimensions
Quarks of lower dimensions
Nuclear shapes and the EUROBALL facility
Nuclear shapes and the EUROBALL facility
Methods of the in-beam gamma-spectroscopy
Methods of the in-beam gamma-spectroscopy
Associated particle detectors
Associated particle detectors
Nuclear shapes at high spins
Nuclear shapes at high spins
Population and decay out of superdeformed bands
Population and decay out of superdeformed bands
Search for hyperdeformed states
Search for hyperdeformed states
The nuclear shape in hot nuclei
The nuclear shape in hot nuclei
One hundred years of the Italian Physical Society
One hundred years of the Italian Physical Society
Varenna and the "Enrico Fermi" International Summer School
Varenna and the "Enrico Fermi" International Summer School
Quark deconfinement and nuclear collisions
Quark deconfinement and nuclear collisions
The thermodynamics of quarks and gluons
The thermodynamics of quarks and gluons
Hard probes: colour deconfinement
Hard probes: colour deconfinement
Electromagnetic probes: chiral symmetry restoration
Electromagnetic probes: chiral symmetry restoration
Soft probes: equilibrium and expansion
Soft probes: equilibrium and expansion
The nuclear shell model, yesterday, today and tomorrow
The nuclear shell model, yesterday, today and tomorrow
Some fundamental notions in Nuclear Astrophysics
Some fundamental notions in Nuclear Astrophysics
The Hertzsprung-Russel diagram
The Hertzsprung-Russel diagram
Stages of stellar evolution
Stages of stellar evolution
"Violent" events in Nuclear Astrophysics
"Violent" events in Nuclear Astrophysics
Production of Radioactive Beams
Production of Radioactive Beams
Direct cross-section measurements using low-energy Radioactive Beams
Direct cross-section measurements using low-energy Radioactive Beams
Indirect cross-section measurements using high-energy Radioactive Beams
Indirect cross-section measurements using high-energy Radioactive Beams
Conclusions and perspectives
Conclusions and perspectives
Random matrix theories in quantum physics: Common concepts
Random matrix theories in quantum physics: Common concepts
Historical survey: the period between 1951 and 1983
Historical survey: the period between 1951 and 1983
From 1963 to 1982: consolidation and application
From 1963 to 1982: consolidation and application
A model for quark deconfinement
A model for quark deconfinement
Equation of state of quark matter
Equation of state of quark matter
Modelling nuclear-to-quark-matter transition
Modelling nuclear-to-quark-matter transition
Survey of previous models
Survey of previous models
Density-dependent quark-quark interaction
Density-dependent quark-quark interaction
Neutrinos: past, present, future
Neutrinos: past, present, future
Fermi theory of beta-decay
Fermi theory of beta-decay
Non-conservation of parity
Non-conservation of parity
V - A current x current theory
V - A current x current theory
nu_(mu) and nu_e are different particles
nu_(mu) and nu_e are different particles
The standard theory of electroweak interactions
The standard theory of electroweak interactions
Massive and mixed neutrinos
Massive and mixed neutrinos
Precise measurement of the high-energy part of beta-spectrum
Precise measurement of the high-energy part of beta-spectrum
Search for neutrinoless double-beta decay
Search for neutrinoless double-beta decay
Production of hypernuclei
Production of hypernuclei
Spectroscopy of hypernuclei
Spectroscopy of hypernuclei
A new experiment on Hypernuclear Physics: FINUDA
A new experiment on Hypernuclear Physics: FINUDA
Traces of intermediate dinuclear states through damped oscillations in the energy autocorrelation functions of the 58Ni + 46Ti and 58Ni + 62Ni elastic- and inelastic-scattering cross-sections
Traces of intermediate dinuclear states through damped oscillations in the energy autocorrelation functions of the 58Ni + 46Ti and 58Ni + 62Ni elastic- and inelastic-scattering cross-sections
Analysis of the energy autocorrelation functions of the measured cross-sections
Analysis of the energy autocorrelation functions of the measured cross-sections
58Ni + 46Ti elastic scattering
58Ni + 46Ti elastic scattering
58Ni + 62Ni elastic and inelastic scattering
58Ni + 62Ni elastic and inelastic scattering
Nuclear-structure studies using realistic effective interactions
Nuclear-structure studies using realistic effective interactions