Publication series :Emerging Scholars
Author: Paris Christopher T.
Publisher: Fortress Press
Publication year: 2014
E-ISBN: 9781451487459
P-ISBN(Hardback): 9781451482119
Subject: B971.1 Old Testament
Keyword: 宗教
Language: ENG
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Narrative Obtrusion in the Hebrew Bible
Narrative critics of the Hebrew Bible often describe the biblical narrators as “laconic,” “terse,” or “economical.” The narrators generally remain in the background, allowing the story to proceed while relying on characters and dialogue to provide necessary information to readers. On those occasions when these narrators add notes to their stories, scholars may characterize such interruptions as “asides” or redactions.
Christopher T. Paris calls attention to just these narrative interruptions, in which the story teller “breaks frame” to provide information about a character or even in order to direct reader understanding and, Paris argues, to prevent undesirable construals or interpretations of the story.