Since its inception in the mid-1950s, the television drama has emerged as the dominant medium of contemporary storytelling in Italian society,
The structure of the book
1. Building the Nation: The Origins of Italian TV Drama 1.
The foreign sources of a national genre
2. The Cinematic Turn and the Americanization of the Television Landscape
Keeping the cinema at bay
The rise of the miniseries
The flood of American imports
The Italian response to Dallas
3. The Political Career of a Popular Fiction: La Piovra (The Octopus: The Power of the Mafia)
A phenomenon of popularity
The origins of La Piovra’s success
The fascination of the loser
4. A Place in the Sun: The First Italian Soap Opera
The close encounter of local and global
An Italian sense of place
5. Mimetic Heroes and Ironic Leaders: The Genesis and Evolution of Italian Police Drama
The season of the detective story
The merging of sailor’s and peasant’s storytelling
6. In the Footsteps of La Piovra: Twenty years of Mafia stories in Italian TV drama
Mob stories are always hot: a tour d’horizon
The centrality of Cosa Nostra
A male-dominated genre and its exceptions
7. Life Stories: A Heroic Enclave and the Rise of the Religious Biopic
The rebirth of the biopic
The biography genre and the shifting definition of the fame
8. The Re-enactment of the Past and the Politics of Memory and Identity in Contemporary Drama
Divided, denied, shared memory
The convocative power of the mainstream drama