Assessing the impact of the MDGs on global poverty
What was the causal role of the MDGs?
The SDGs and a look ahead
What is this volume offering its readers?
2 | The MDGs and poverty reduction
Methodological issues in estimating poverty
Rethinking poverty analysis and policies
Need to rethink poverty policy
3 | The view from deprivation: poverty, inequality and the distribution of wealth
Bringing in community perspectives
The Equity and Sustainability Field Hearings
Global and regional poverty
Global and regional inequality
Prediction 1: Positive correlations between poverty and inequality
Prediction 2: Reductions in poverty with reductions in inequality
Prediction 3: Mechanisms by which the wealthy perpetuate inequality and poverty
Conclusions from the analysis
Implications for Sustainable Development Goals
Part Two: Devising and refining development goals
4 | The quest for sustainable development: the power and perils of global development goals
The evolution of global development goals
Power and perils of global development goals
Sustainable Development Goals: the synergy agenda
5 | Going beyond the eradication of extreme poverty: debating the sustainable development goals in Brazil
The reduction of monetary poverty and extreme poverty in Brazil (1981–2009): what comes next?
Can sustainable development goals help future social protection policy in Brazil?
6 | The MDGs versus an enabling global environment for development: issues for the post-2015 development agenda
Systemic obstacles to development
Commodity dependence and instability in trade and finance
Mitigating the impact of external deficits and instability
Rebuilding domestic ‘policy space’
7 | MDG2 in Brazil: misguided educational policies
MDG2 in Brazil: successful primary education policies
MDG2 in Brazil: the adverse effects of the 1996 and 2006 primarye ducation policies
MDG2 in Brazil: the double burden imposed by current primary education policies
Part Three: Policy and societal alternatives
8 | Irrelevance of the MDGs and a real solution to poverty: universal citizen’s income
Capitalism and poverty in the Keynesian and neoliberal periods
The decline of global poverty in the neoliberal period according to the World Bank
The conceptual limitations of MDG1
The irrelevance of MDG1 in the Mexican experience
An impressionistic panorama of theories of capitalist crises
Automation and the end of the wage-work society
What can be done within capitalism? Universal, Sufficient and Unconditional Citizen’s Income
9 | Social solidarity must replace poverty eradication in the un’s post-2015 development agenda
Introduction and overview
The UN discusses the post-MDG agenda
Welfare states, solidarity and social inclusion
The assault on universal welfare states in a development context
Is the social policy in development discourse bringing the middle class back in?
Global social policy responses to the economic crisis
10 | Looking back and looking forward: the case for a developmental welfare state
A transformative post-2015 development agenda? Closing reflections
About the editors and contributors