1.7 Environmental and individual monitoring
2.2 Radiation dose concepts
2.4 Effective doses from natural and artificial sources
3 Elemental analysis by neutron activation – NAA
3.2 Principle of neutron activation analysis
3.3 Quantitative element determination
3.4 Fission reactors as neutron sources for neutron activation analysis
3.5 Applications of Neutron Activation Analysis
4 Radioisotope mass spectrometry
4.1 Introduction – long-lived radioisotopes, origin and relevance
4.2 Radioisotope mass spectrometry
4.3 Components of radioisotope mass spectrometry
4.4 Individual systems of RMS
5.2 Environmental radionuclides
5.3 Dating with a single radionuclide
5.4 Accumulation dating with a radioactive parent and a stable daughter
5.5 Accumulation dating with a radioactive parent and a radioactive daughter
5.6 Dating with nuclides emitted during nuclear weapons testing and nuclear accidents
5.8 Thermoluminescence dating
6 Chemical speciation of radionuclides in solution
6.2 Absorption spectroscopy (UV-VIS, LPAS)
6.3 X-ray absorption near edge structure spectroscopy (XANES)
6.4 Liquid-liquid extraction
6.5 Capillary electrophoresis (CE)
6.6 Electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI)
6.7 Extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (EXAFS)
6.8 Infrared (IR) vibration spectroscopy
6.10 Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)
6.11 Fluorescence spectroscopy
6.13 Field flow fractionation (FFF)
6.14 X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)
7 Radiochemical separations
7.2 Precipitation and co-precipitation
7.3 Liquid-liquid extraction
7.4 Solid phase-based ion exchange
7.5 Thin layer chromatography/high performance liquid chromatography
7.6 Electrodeposition/electrophoresis/electromigration
7.7 Volatilization/sublimation/evaporation
7.8 Hot atom chemistry/Szillard–Chalmers-type separations
8 Radioelements: Actinides
8.2 General properties of the actinides
8.3 The elements: Discovery, availability, properties, and usage
9 Radioelements: Transactinides
9.2 The concept of the “Island of Stability of Superheavy Elements”
9.3 The discovery of the transactinide elements
9.4 Naming of new elements
9.5 Synthesis and nuclear properties of superheavy elements
9.6 Relativistic effects and the Periodic Table of the Elements
9.7 Methods for experimental chemical studies of transactinide elements
9.8 Chemical properties of the transactinide elements
10.2 Relevant basic physics
10.3 Evolution of nuclear power reactors
10.4 Main components of a nuclear power reactor
10.5 Common power reactor types
10.7 Radionuclide generation in nuclear reactors
10.8 Some chemical aspects in nuclear reactors
11 Life sciences: Isotope labeling with tritium and carbon-14
11.3 Labeling with tritium
11.4 Labeling with carbon-14
12 Life sciences: Nuclear medicine diagnosis
12.2 The tracer principle
12.3 Radionuclides for noninvasive molecular imaging
12.4 Molecular imaging: Tomography
12.5 Molecular imaging: Concepts
12.6 Radiopharmaceutical chemistry for molecular imaging
12.7 Radiopharmaceuticals for molecular imaging
13 Life sciences: Therapy
13.2 Historical background
13.4 “Therapeutic” particles and corresponding radionuclides
13.6 Selected radiotherapeutics
Symbols and abbreviations