Particle accelerators have attracted much interest and expectation from the international scientific community, and these show no sign of diminishing. Major world research laboratories have either planned or are envisaging the construction of new accelerators in order to foster the progress of science in many fields, from high energy physics to cultural heritage and the environment.
This book presents 13 papers from the workshop "Future Research Infrastructures; Challenges and Opportunities", held as part of the series of the Enrico Fermi International School of Physics in Varenna, Italy, in July 2015. The workshop combined presentations on the science of particle accelerators and their applications with talks on the development of future accelerators, and the papers included here cover a diverse range of topics including: the European Spallation Source; the Swiss Light Source; accelerator projects in Korea; future circular colliders; synchrotron-based techniques for cultural heritage; and the new research horizon in hadron therapy. The book also includes a summary of the panel discussion on the need for international world infrastructures.
Swiss Light Source: The next 20 years
Motivation for an upgrade of the SLS
The new low emittance cell
Longitudinal gradient bends
Advanced modes of operation
Elettra and FERMI perspectives
X-ray brightness and coherence, and diffraction-limited storage rings
X-ray brightness and X-ray science
Nanofocusing and coherence
Diffraction-limited storage rings
Brightness and electron beam emittance
Accelerator projects in Korea: Current status and perspectives
High-Luminosity LHC: motivations and scope
Luminosity and HL-LHC beam parameters
Luminosity limitation in LHC
Luminosity levelling and beam parameter list
Future Circular Colliders
Lepton-hadron option FCC-he
Collaboration and time line
Extreme Light Infrastructure - Nuclear Physics
ELI-NP Research Infrastructure
The ELI-NP Gamma Beam System
Challenges and opportunities of high intensity X/gamma photon beams for Nuclear Photonics and photon-photon scattering experiments
Challenges of Advanced Compton Sources
Fundamental QED with photon-photon scattering
New research horizon in hadrontherapy
Clinical innovations in hadrontherapy
Accelerators and technical developments
Medical physics and bioengineering R&D topics
Future directions in radiobiology
Free electron laser based multicolor spectroscopy
Advances and perspectives of synchrotron-based techniques for Cultural Heritage
Synchrotron-based techniques for Cultural Heritage: the context
Establishing the biography of works of art
From objects to fragments
The emergence of SR techniques in the set of analytical techniques for CH
Communication: a major challenge
Developing hardware, software and protocols: the example of the ID21 beamline, ESRF
From SR facilities to laboratory and portable instruments
Energy catalysis research with advanced X-ray techniques in SSRF: Present and future challenge
Energy catalysis research with advanced X-ray techniques
Energy current situation in China
Importance of energy catalysis
Synchrotron radiation techniques to catalysis research
Energy catalysis research at SSRF
SSRF Phase-II beamlines for energy catalysis research
Panel Discussion: The need of International World Infrastructures