A Work in Progress

Author: Mr.Emre Alper   Ms.Wenjie Chen   Mr.Jemma Dridi   Mr.Herve Joly   Mr.Fan Yang  


Publication year: 2017

E-ISBN: 9781475573930

Subject: F0 Economics;F019.6 theory of economic policy;F7 Trade Economy

Language: ENG

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A Work in Progress


This paper assesses the extent of economic and financial integration among the East African Community (EAC) along a number of dimensions and, where possible, whether integration has increased in the wake of the major regional integration policy milestones.


1. Analysis of Merchandise Trade Integration in the EAC

Evolution of Tariffs and Imports of EAC Countries since the Implementation of the CU

Evolution of Intra-EAC Trade as a Share of Total Trade

Trade Integration in the EAC Compared with Other Regions

2. Labor Migration and Remittances in the EAC

Progress in Eliminating Legislative Restrictions to the Movement of Workers in the EAC

Recent Migration and Remittances Trends in the EAC

3. Financial Integration in the EAC

Progress in Eliminating Legislative Restrictions in EAC Capital Markets

Openness to Capital Flows in the EAC: A Comparative Perspective

An Empirical Assessment of the CIP Condition in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda

An Assessment of Financial Market Convergence in the EAC



Appendix I. A Snapshot of Financial Markets in the EAC

Appendix II. Detailed Information on Migration and Remittance Flow

Appendix III. Capital Account Restrictions: Country-Specific Details

Appendix IV. An Analysis of Covered Interest Parity Condition for the EAC

Appendix V. Application of Convergence Concepts in the EAC


Nondeliverable Currency Forward (NDF) Markets


1. Import by EAC Countries from the Rest of the World (ROW) and Tariff Rates

2. EAC Imports from the ROW by End-Use

3. EAC Imports from the ROW by Intermediate Inputs

4. Imports by EAC Country from EAC Country and Tariff Rates

5. EAC Imports from EAC by End-Use

6. EAC Imports from EAC by Intermediate Inputs

7. EAC Import Shares by Region

8. EAC Import Shares by Origin

9. EAC Export Shares by Region

10. EAC Export Shares by Destination

11. Emigrants from and Immigrants in the EAC

12. Emigration Rate of Tertiary Educated, 2000

13. Migration in the EAC

14. Source of Remittance Inflows (Net)

15. Emigration and Remittances

16. Financial Account Openness

17. Capital Account Restrictions

A4.1. Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, and South Africa: Spot and NDF Exchange Rates (2011–15)

A4.2. Kenya: Actual (NDF) and Implied Forward Exchange Rates (2011–15)

A4.3. Tanzania: Actual (NDF) and Implied Forward Exchange Rates (2011–15)

A4.4. Uganda: Actual (NDF) and Implied Forward Exchange Rates (2011–15)

A4.5. South Africa: Actual (NDF) and Implied Forward Exchange Rates (2011–15)

A5.1. Various EAC Financial Returns Data Used in Convergence Analysis

A5.2. Sigma-Convergence Analysis for the EAC Countries


1. Trade Balance with EAC, Sub-Saharan Africa, and the World

2. Gravity Estimates

3. Estimated Total Migration from, to, and within EAC

4. Emigrants from the EAC by Country of Destination

5. Immigrants to the EAC by Country of Origin

6. Median Absolute CIP Deviations for Kenya, Uganda, and South Africa

A1.1. Stock Market in Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda

A1.2. Holders of Government Domestic Debt in the EAC

A1.3. Domestic Debt in Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania, and Uganda

A2.1. EAC Migration Matrix, 2010 and 2013

A2.2. Remittances per Migrant, 2010 and 2013

A2.3. EAC: Remittances by Country of Origin, 2010 and 2013

A2.4. Intra-EAC Remittances by Country of Origin, 2010 and 2013

A2.5. Total Population in EAC Countries, 2000–14

A4.1 Summary Statistics of CIP Deviations Relative to the United States

A4.2 Summary Statistics of Absolute CIP Deviations Relative to the United States

A4.3 Summary Statistics of Absolute CIP Deviations Relative to the EAC

A5.1 Pooled and Individual Beta Coefficients of EAC Countries’ Selected Asset Yields (2011–15)

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