Wolf D. Prix, founder of Coop Himmelb(l)au was more than 20 years head of Studio Prix at the Angewandte in Vienna. His architectural visions shaped the studio with radical concepts, high profile strategies and right from the beginning enabled students to develop projects for the world of the future.
Studio Prix was a creative cluster with intense teaching. This publication contains a selection of projects and diploma works of students as well as statements of international friends like Hitoshi Abe, Hernan Diaz Alonso, Klaus Bollinger, Chris Bangle, Aaron Betsky, Mario Coyula-Cowley, Gregor Eichinger, Peter Eisenman, Zaha Hadid, Catherine Ingraham, Bettina Götz, Lars Lerup, Greg Lynn, Thom Mayne, Eric Owen Moss, Peter Noever, Carl Pruscha, Hani Rashid, Michael Rotondi, Patrik Schumacher, Peter Sellars, Lebbeus Woods as well as teaching staff and theoreticians such as Günther Feuerstein, Sanford Kwinter, Hans Ulrich Reck and Christian Reder.
School of Architecture / Wien Museum
1st Prize “Experimental Tendencies in Architecture”
Laboratory of Biodiversity
The Passion of Working in Architecture
As Architects, We Organize Function and We Design Space
Urban Hall Vienna Nordbahnhof Area
The Artist as a Teacher – Exploratory, Investigative Teaching and Learning Through Untrodden Paths with Clear References
Laboratory of Future Architecture
Hotel Industrial New Vienna Central Station
Railway Station of Future Transistorial Buildings (ÖBB)
Workshop with Helmut Swiczinsky
Future Living Kika Wien Nord
Apartment Building Gaudenzdorfer Gürtel
Happy Department Store Hannes Stiefel, Urs Bette
Transit Space (Car-Sharing Model) Aspern
House Without Qualities Technology Center Donauplatte
Donaucity Tower— Extremes 2 (Power Rise)
Vie:Bra Vienna-Bratislava
The First House Süssenbrunn City Expansion
House Kinsky by Klaus Stattmann The Pit by Peter Noever
Ljubljana: Galerija Dessa Cooperation with University Melbourne, RMIT
Wolf Prix: Master Teacher
Hybride Building Nuremberg
Venice Terminal – A Multi Layered Urban Environment
A Multitude of Shells – An Urban Stage for Berlin Alexanderplatz
Laboratory of Future Architecture
Monastary Sant’ Anna in Camprena
Say-What-You-Think Directness
Sainte Marie De La Tourette
Lyon: Musée Des Confluences
Saint Pierre De La Firminy
Pulp Flats in a Blurred Oasis
Permanent Aesthetic Revolution
Architektur & Anarchie (Moscow. Liudmila & Vladislav Kirpichev)
Architecture in (E)Motion
5 Squares Havanna Libre and Vienna
5 Squares Havanna Libre and Vienna
The Bad Boy Builder Architect
What I Learned from Wolf Prix
Shaping History for The School
(D)Effekt Program – Pop Music Center Taipeh
(D)Effekt Program 2 – Pop Music Center Taipeh
The Sudden Realization of The Impossible Through Architecture Teaching
Architecture is Who He is
Prix Will Find a Place for Them
Cocktail of Legacy and Revolution, Reference and Dissatisfaction
To Wolf [Sooner Or Later]
An Architect Who Demands and Aspires to The Impossible
Wolf is a Wolf is a Wolf is A Wolf _ 1+1+1+1 Equals 1
The Mexican Roof Revisited
If You Have to Blast The Rock, Just Blast It
The “Wild World“: “Tell Me How It’S Going, Not How It’S Not Going!“
The Black Spot of The Leopard
Transi-(S)-Torial Buildings
Unit 1 The City of Invading Wind
Unit 2 Despina – The Desert Casino
Unit 3 Move Your Body – 10 Seconds House
Let’s Spend The Night Together
Selected Statements of Wolf D. Prix
Against Rowing in The Architecture Galley
The Master’s Announcement
The Future of Architecture II
Against The Visual Devastation of Our Environment
Architecture as a Comprehensive Thought Process
Investigate a New Reality