II. International Political Systems
1. Basic Laws of the International Political System
2. The Multipolar International System
3. Balance of Power Systems
4. Factors Causing the Breakdown of Balance of Power Systems
5. Factors Causing the End of the European Balance of Power System
6. The Bilateral Power System (Bipolar System)
III. Factors Determining the Power of States
2. Geographical Situation, Size and Population
3. Education, Science, Economic and Technological Development
4. Social and Political Organization
IV. Aims of International Politics
1. Limited Aims: The Nation State
2. Expansionist Aims: The Nation State and Economic Interests
3. Economic Relations between State and Non-State Actors
4. Holy and Unholy Imperialism
5. The Aims of Universal States
V. The Means of Foreign Policy
1. Economic Pressure and Warfare
2. Infiltration, Internal Destruction and Terrorism
VI. Contradictions and Dilemmas of International Politics
2. The Preservation of Knowledge and the Continuity of Foreign Policy
3. The Dilemma between External and Internal Policies
4. International Disorder, International Law and Morality
VII. The Present World System
1. The Bipolar Post-War System
2. Possible Future Developments of the Present International System
3. What Kind of World do we Want?
4. Can we Move Towards an Improbable Future?