Chapter 1: The Role and Importance of Culture in Organization
Chapter 2: Core Values and Formalization as Determinants of Individual Behavior in an Organization
Chapter 3: Organisation Culture From Systems Theory of Organisation Perspective
Chapter 4: The Role of Guanxi, Ubuntu, and Wasta in Shaping Workplace Leadership and Culture
Chapter 5: Influences of Personal Experience in Decision-Making
Chapter 6: Strategic Decision Making From the Viewpoint of Systems Thinking
Chapter 7: Personal Values as a Building Block for Social Responsibility of Higher Education Institutions
Chapter 8: Corporate Social Responsibility Values of Managers in Transforming Societies
Chapter 9: The Importance of Behavior and Personal Values for Managers' Attitudes Towards Innovativeness
Chapter 10: Different Cultures Different People
Chapter 11: National Culture and Its Relationship With Innovation and Corruption
Chapter 12: Project Management Culture
Chapter 13: Role of Masculinity and Uncertainty Avoidance Orientation in the Relationship Between Team Learning Behavior and Self-Efficacy
Chapter 14: Understanding the Impact of Organisational Culture on Managers' Internal Career Needs
Chapter 15: The Flexibility of the Workplace and Working Time
Chapter 16: Interface Between Stress and Labour Productivity
Chapter 17: Leadership Behavior Predictor of Employees' Job Satisfaction and Psychological Health
Chapter 18: Empathy and Leadership From the Organizational Perspective
Compilation of References