Italian Grammar For Dummies


Master the written aspects of Italian? Easy.

Grammar is one of the most difficult aspects to master when learning a language. The various parts of speech, verb tenses, conjugations, and moods are the building blocks of the Italian language, and must be thoroughly understood in order to be truly fluent. Italian Grammar For Dummies is your first step toward mastering the written aspects of Italian.

By emphasizing the complicated conjugations and grammar rules, taking a narrower focus to improve comprehension, and enabling you to practice using the concepts right in the book, Italian Grammar For Dummies is your hands-on guide to mastering the written aspects of Italian.

  • Provides ample opportunities to practice proper Italian grammar
  • Serves as an excellent course supplement for those struggling with the complexities of the language
  • Offers instruction and practice exercises for both speaking and writing the language, giving you greater confidence in your ability to communicate in Italian

If you're looking to master fluency in the Italian language but struggle with the details of grammar, Italian Grammar For Dummies has you covered.


Adding Stress with Accents

Polishing Your Italian Sound: Intonation

Getting the Most Out of Dictionaries

Answer Key

Chapter 3: Talking about Things with Nouns and Articles

Distinguishing between Masculine and Feminine Nouns

Moving from Singular to Plural with Regular Nouns

Forming Plurals of Irregular Nouns and Other Exceptions

Getting Specific or Speaking in General: A Primer on Articles

Using Suffixes and Prefixes with Nouns

Answer Key

Chapter 4: Dealing with Numbers, Dates, and Time

Counting from Zero to a Billion: Cardinal Numbers

Putting Things in Order: Ordinal Numbers

Looking at the Calendar: Days, Months, and Seasons

Telling Time

Chatting about the Weather

Familiarizing Yourself with the Metric System

Answer Key

Chapter 5: Adding Dimension and Description with Adjectives

Getting to Know Common Italian Adjectives

Using and Forming Italian Adjectives

Putting Adjectives in Their Proper Place

Answer Key

Part II: Forming Simple Sentences and Asking Questions

Chapter 6: Jumping into Action with Italian Regular Verbs

Conjugating Regular Verbs in Italian

Moving Past the Present Tense

Looking More Closely at Personal Subject Pronouns

Answer Key

Chapter 7: Using Irregular Verbs in the Present Tense

To Be or Not to Be: Conjugating Essere

To Have and to Hold: Conjugating Avere

To Make or Do: Conjugating Fare

To Give: Dare

To Ask How Others Are: Stare

To Come and Go: Venire and Andare

Declaring Your Needs, Wants, and Abilities: Dovere, Volere, and Potere

Do Tell: Dire

Stepping Out: Uscire

Bottom’s Up: Bere

The -orre, -urre, and -arre Verbs

Using Irregular Verbs in Idiomatic Expressions

Answer Key

Chapter 8: Substituting Pronouns for Nouns

Replacing Nouns with Subject Pronouns

Telling What or Who with Direct Object Pronouns

Using Indirect Object Pronouns

Forming Double Pronouns

Putting Stress Where It’s Due: Stressed and Unstressed Pronouns

Looking at Ubiquitous Italian Pronouns: Ci and Ne

Answer Key

Chapter 9: Using Reflexive Forms and Expressing Imperative Moods

Reflecting on Reflexive Verbs

Giving a Commanding Performance with the Imperative

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Chapter 10: Declaring Your Likes (and Dislikes) with Piacere

Understanding How to Use Piacere

Expressing Likes (and Dislikes) in Any Tense

Looking at Other Verbs that Work Backward

Answer Key

Chapter 11: Asking and Responding to Questions

Looking at Ways of Asking Questions in Italian

Digging Deeper: Asking More Complex Questions

Providing More Detailed Answers to Questions

Answering Questions in the Negative

Answer Key

Part III: Beefing Up Your Sentences

Chapter 12: Prepositions: Little Words, Big Challenges

Combining Prepositions with Articles

Looking at the Common Connectors: Italian Prepositions

Answer Key

Chapter 13: Qualifying Nouns with Demonstrative, Indefinite, and Possessive Words

Talking About Questo (This) and Quello (That)

Keeping It Vague with Indefinite Adjectives

Conveying Something Indefinite with Pronouns

Assigning Ownership with Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns

Replacing Nouns with Possessive Pronouns

Answer Key

Chapter 14: Making Transitions, Forming Connections, and Commenting

Connecting Words or Sentences with Coordinating Conjunctions

Connecting Clauses with Subordinating Conjunctions

Joining Clauses with Conjunctions

Linking Independent Clauses to Dependent Clauses with Relative Pronouns

Using Other Transitional Elements

Interjecting and Commenting with Interjections

Answer Key

Chapter 15: Describing Actions with Adverbs

Getting Acquainted with Italian Adverbs

Sorting Adverbs by Function

Placing Adverbs in Sentences

Making Comparisons with Adverbs

Answer Key

Part IV: Talking about the Past, Future, and Conditional

Chapter 16: Been There, Done That: Talking in the Past Tense

Forming the Present Perfect Tense

Choosing Avere or Essere as Your Auxiliary Verb

Over and Done with: The Past Absolute

Once Upon a Time: The Imperfect Tense

Adding Nuance to Meaning with Verb Tense

Answer Key

Chapter 17: Reflexive Verbs in the Past

Looking at Commonly Used Reflexive Verbs

Forming the Present Perfect of Reflexive Verbs

Using Reciprocal Verbs in the Present Perfect

Forming the Imperfect of Reflexive Verbs

Checking Out Reciprocal Forms in the Imperfect

Answer Key

Chapter 18: Future Tense and Conditional Mood

Understanding Tense and Mood

Forming the Future Tense

Talking about the Future

Testing the Conditions: The Conditional Mood

Answer Key

Part V: Expressing Subjectivity and Giving Orders

Chapter 19: Dealing with Conditions Beyond Our Control: “If” Clauses and Passive Actions

Expressing Types of Conditionals

Putting a Personal Touch on the Impersonal and the Passive

Answer Key

Chapter 20: Getting into the Subjunctive Mood

Identifying When to Use the Subjunctive

Forming the Present Subjunctive

Taking a Closer Look at the Present Subjunctive

Forming the Imperfect Subjunctive

Answer Key

Chapter 21: Second-Guessing Your Actions with the Past Conditional

Forming the Past Conditional

Expressing What Might Have Been and What May Yet Be

Saying What You Would’ve, Could’ve, Should’ve Done

Answer Key

Chapter 22: I Hope That You’ve Had Fun! The Past Subjunctive

Forming the Subjunctive with Triggers

Piecing Together the Present Perfect Subjunctive

Constructing the Past Perfect (Pluperfect) Subjunctive

Sequencing Tenses in the Subjunctive

Answer Key

Part VI: The Part of Tens

Chapter 23: Ten Common Italian Grammar Mistakes (And How to Avoid Them)

Assuming Cognates Are What They Seem to Be

Confusing Conoscere and Sapere

Confusing “di” and “da”

Forgetting to Make Words Agree in Number and Gender

Mixing Up “a” and “in”

Overusing Possessive Adjectives

Pronouncing the Endings of Words Incorrectly

Repeating the Prepositions in Verbs That Already Include a Preposition

Translating Idioms Word by Word

Using Subject Pronouns Unnecessarily

Chapter 24: Ten Italian Expressions You’ll Use Every Day


Un Abbraccio(ne)

Figurati or Non C’è Di Che



Buon Appetito and Altrettanto

Fallo Pure

Non Vedo L’ora

Ti Parlo Da Amica/Amico

La Solita Menata


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