1.4.2 Green market and consumption
1.5 Sustainability in Practice
1.5.1 History of green building in Asia
1.5.2 Capacity building – green professionals
1.5.3 Sustainable change for the green movement
1.6 Organisation of the Book
Chapter 2 Rapid urbanisation
2.2 Asian Urbanisation in Context
2.3.1 Global population trends
2.3.2 Urban population growth
2.3.3 The challenge of an ageing population
2.6.1 Mega and compact cities
2.6.2 Green building markets
Chapter 3 Urban environmental challenges
3.2 Urban Challenges in Context
3.3 Climate Change Challenges
3.3.1 Vulnerability to extreme weather
3.4 Urban Environmental Degradation
3.4.4 Unhealthy urban environment
3.5 Liveability Degradation
3.5.2 Ecological footprint
Chapter 4 Quest for solutions
4.2 History of International Collaborations and Partnerships
4.3 C40 Cities Climate Leadership Group Initiative
4.3.2 Action plan on buildings
4.4 WEF Partnership for Future of Urban Development
4.6 Changes for Solutions
4.6.1 Re-think of sustainable development framework
4.6.3 Issues of practice/design
Chapter 5 Policy framework
5.3.2 Prioritisation of policy issues
5.3.3 The Asian way of change
5.4.1 Regulations and standards “The Stick”
5.4.2 Economic instruments “The Carrot and Stick”
5.4.3 Voluntary schemes instrument
5.5 Institutional Arrangements
5.5.1 Hierarchy – who to lead
5.5.2 Government coordination and authority
5.5.3 Proposal for eco-city implementation
Chapter 6 Policy implementation
6.3 Review of the Regulations
6.3.1 Building energy regulations
6.3.2 Planning control for a better environment
6.4.1 Incentivising the market
6.5 Market-Based Approach
6.5.1 Green building certification
6.5.2 Sustainability report and index
6.6 Public-Private Partnership (PPP)
6.7 Collaboration with Private Sector
6.8.1 Demonstration projects and research and development
6.8.2 Education and training of green practitioners
Chapter 7 Sustainability transformation
7.2 Green Transformation of Building Industry
7.2.1 Engaging stakeholders
7.2.2 Empowering the practitioners
7.3 Practice of Building Sustainability
7.3.1 Definition of sustainable building
7.3.2 Standardisation of practice
7.4 Sustainable Building in Action
7.4.1 Life-cycle consideration
7.4.2 Design stage – integrated design
7.4.3 Construction stage – sustainable materials
7.4.4 Operation stage – behavioural changes
7.5 Building Information Modelling
Chapter 8 Engineering solutions
8.2 Design Provisions for Sustainable Building
8.3 Adaptation to Climate Change and Resilient Designs
8.3.1 Extreme wind engineering
8.3.2 Flood mitigation and prevention
8.4 High-Performance Buildings
8.4.1 Building physics analysis
8.4.3 Indoor environment quality
8.4.4 Outdoor environment quality
8.5.1 Outside building: High-performance envelope
8.5.2 Inside building: Low energy and carbon designs
Chapter 9 De-carbonisation
9.2 Building Energy Performance
9.3 Low/Zero Carbon Design
9.3.1 Definition of zero carbon
9.4 Renewable Energy for Urban Developments and Buildings
9.4.5 Marine/ocean energy
9.5 District-Wide De-Carbonisation
9.6 Towards a Low-Carbon and Smart City
Chapter 10 Space for people
10.2 Urban Context of Asia City
10.2.2 A compact and vertical city
10.2.3 An undesirable building environment
10.3 The Quest for a Quality Built Environment
10.3.1 A novel planning framework for the environment
10.3.2 The urban climatic map
10.3.4 Microclimate and landscape design integration
10.4 Reducing the Urban Heat Island
10.5 Street Canyon Effect – Roadside Air Pollution
10.7 Health and Well‐Being
10.7.1 Natural ventilation
10.7.2 Daylight for habitation
Chapter 11 Community making
11.2 Sustainable Community
11.3 Community-Based Design
11.3.1 Cultural aspect (social)
11.3.2 Placemaking (environment)
11.3.3 Sustainable housing (economics)
11.4 Neighbourhood Assessment
11.4.1 History of overseas schemes
11.4.2 Definition of community/neighbourhood
11.4.3 Assessment aspects/categories
11.5 Development of BEAM Plus Neighbourhood in Hong Kong
11.5.1 Landscape and ecology in built environment
11.5.2 Stakeholder engagement
11.5.3 The establishment of BEAM plus neighbourhood
Chapter 12 Low carbon living
12.2 Carbon Footprint of Urban Living
12.4 Changes in Design Culture
12.4.3 Natural ventilation
12.6 Zero Energy Living Experience