The third volume of the Handbook of Motivation and Cognition, like its acclaimed predecessors, presents timely, original work on the interface of motivation and cognition. Rather than looking at the self, affect, and goals as primarily intrapersonal variables, however, Volume 3 shifts its concern to the role of motivation and cognition in interpersonal and intergroup behavior. Reflecting an increasing awareness of the impact of intergroup strife in contemporary life, leading researchers and theorists of social relations discuss topics including how we use others to further evaluate the self; how the self affects our judgment of others; the role of stereotyping and prejudices; and how we evaluate and interact with ingroups and outgroups.
CHAPTER 2 Shared Reality: How Social Verification Makes the Subjective Objective
CHAPTER 3 Affect, Motivation, and Cognition in Relative Deprivation Research
CHAPTER 4 Impression Regulation and Management: Highlights of a Theory of Self-Identification
CHAPTER 5 Causal-Uncertainty Beliefs and Related Goal Structures
CHAPTER 6 Social Identity, Self-Categorization, and the Perceived Homogeneity of Ingroups and Outgroups: The Interaction between Social Motivation and Cognition
PART II: Evaluation of Others: Perceiving through Role-Colored Lenses
CHAPTER 7 Social Motives and Expectancy-Tinged Social Interactions
CHAPTER 8 Responding to Significant Others When They Are Not There: Effects on Interpersonal Inference, Motivation, and Affect
CHAPTER 9 Stereotyping as a Function of Personal Control Motives and Capacity Constraints: The Odd Couple of Power and Anxiety
CHAPTER 10 Seeing Groups as Entities: The Role of Perceiver Motivation
CHAPTER 11 Making Stereotypes Better or Worse: Multiple Roles for Positive Affect in Group Impressions
CHAPTER 12 Incidental and Integral Affect as Triggers of Stereotyping
PART III: Group Dynamics: Getting to Know You
CHAPTER 13 Exploring the Interpersonal Dynamics of Intergroup Contact
CHAPTER 14 A Motivated Gatekeeper of Our Minds: Need-for-Closure Effects on Interpersonal and Group Processes
CHAPTER 15 Ambivalence in Close Relationships: Conflicted Cognitions as a Catalyst for Change
CHAPTER 16 Impact of Anticipated Group Membership on Cognition
CHAPTER 17 The Individual-Group Distinction in Assessments of Strategies to Reduce Prejudice and Discrimination: The Case of Affirmative Action
CHAPTER 18 Uncertainty in Interpersonal and Intergroup Relations: An Individual-Differences Perspective