Developmental systems theory provides powerful tools for predicting complex, dynamic interactions among biological and environmental processes in human behavior and health. This groundbreaking handbook provides a roadmap for integrating key concepts of developmental systems theory (such as self-organization, reciprocal dynamic interaction, and probabilistic epigenesis) and simulation models (connectionist and agent-based models) with advanced dynamic modeling approaches for testing these theories and models. Internationally renowned developmental science scholars present innovations in research design, measurement, and analysis that offer new means of generating evidence-based decisions to optimize the course of health and positive functioning across the life span. Topics include epigenetic development and evolution; the relationship between neural systems growth and psychological development; the role of family environments in shaping children's cognitive skills and associated adult outcomes, and more.
Part II. Relational Developmental Systems Theory
Chapter 2. Relational Developmental Systems and Developmental Science: A Focus on Methodology
Chapter 3. Relational Developmental Systems Theories of Positive Youth Development: Methodological Issues and Implications
Chapter 4. Developmental Systems Science: Extending Developmental Science with Systems Science Methodologies
Part III. Epigenetic Development and Evolution
Chapter 5. How Development Directs Evolution
Chapter 6. Dynamical Systems, the Epigenetic Landscape, and Punctuated Equilibria
Part IV. Neural Networks and Development
Chapter 7. Nonlinear Epigenetic Variance in Developmental Processes
Chapter 8. Dynamical Systems Thinking: From Metaphor to Neural Theory
Part V. Dynamics of Development
Chapter 9. Estimating the Technology of Cognitive and Noncognitive Skill Formation: The Linear Case
Chapter 10. Dynamics of Development: A Complex Systems Approach
Chapter 11. Dynamic Development of Brain and Behavior
Chapter 12. Dynamics of Motor Learning and Development across the Life Span
Part VI. Dynamics of Social Interaction
Chapter 13. Differential Equations for Evaluating Theoretical Models of Dyadic Interactions
Chapter 14. A Differential Equations Model for the Ovarian Hormone Cycle
Part VII. Nonlinear Dynamical Models of Development
Chapter 15. A Regime-Switching Longitudinal Model of Alcohol Lapse–Relapse
Part VIII. Nonergodic Developmental Systems
Chapter 16. Idiographic Applications: Issues of Ergodicity and Generalizability
Chapter 17. New Trends in the Inductive Use of Relational Developmental Systems Theory: Ergodicity, Nonstationarity, and Heterogeneity
Part IX. Complex Systems Models in Human Development: Reevaluation and Future Directions
Chapter 18. The Landscape of Inductive Developmental Systems