Filling a crucial need, this manual presents the Women's Recovery Group (WRG), an empirically supported treatment approach that emphasizes self-care and developing skills for relapse prevention and recovery. Grounded in cognitive-behavioral therapy, the WRG is designed for a broad population of women with alcohol and drug use disorders, regardless of their specific substance of abuse, age, or co-occurring disorders. Step-by-step intervention guidelines are accompanied by 80 reproducible clinical tools, including participant handouts, session outlines, bulletin board materials, and more. The large-size format facilitates photocopying; purchasers also get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials.
How This Book Is Organized
Prevalence and Course of SUDs in Women
Outcomes of Treatment of SUDs in Women
A Rationale for Women-Only Treatment Groups
The Distinction between the WRG and Other Group Approaches
Outcomes Research on the WRG
2. Conducting the Women’s Recovery Group
Therapist Characteristics and Style
Patient Characteristics: Who Is Appropriate for the WRG?
Conducting the WRG in Open versus Closed Group Format
Choosing the Number of Group Sessions and Topics
Setting Up the Group Room and Checklist of Materials Needed Each Week
Conducting the Pre-Group Meeting
Conducting the Group Sessions
Tips for Managing Common Clinical Situations
Adapting the WRG to Individual Therapy
Therapist Self-Assessment in Conducting the WRG
Session 1. The Effect of Drugs and Alcohol on Women’s Health
Session 2. How to Manage Triggers and High-Risk Situations
Session 3. Overcoming Obstacles to Recovery
Session 4. Managing Mood, Anxiety, and Eating Problems without Using Substances
Session 5. Women and Their Partners: The Effect on Recovery
Session 6. Coping with Stress
Session 7. Women as Caretakers: Can You Take Care of Yourself While You Are Taking Care of Others?
Session 8. Using Self-Help Groups to Help Yourself
Session 9. Women’s Use of Substances through the Life Cycle
Session 10. Violence and Abuse: Getting Help
Session 11. The Issue of Disclosure: To Tell or Not to Tell?
Session 12. Substance Use and Women’s Reproductive Health
Session 13. Can You Have Fun without Using Drugs or Alcohol?
Session 14. Achieving a Balance in Your Life
Appendix A. Reproducible Participant Materials
Appendix B. Reproducible Therapist Materials