An essential "how-to" primer, this book examines the process of learning to write and shares evidence-based instructional strategies for the primary grades. With an emphasis on explicit instruction and scaffolding students' learning, the authors explain when and how to teach handwriting, spelling, foundational skills such as sentence formation and editing, and composition in specific genres. They present clear-cut techniques for assessment, differentiation, and supporting struggling writers. The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for Writing are used as a framework for setting instructional goals. Reproducible assessment forms, checklists, and rubrics are provided; purchasers get access to a Web page where they can download and print the reproducible materials in a convenient 8 1/2" x 11" size.
Framework for Writing Instruction
Writing Theory and Research
Common Instructional Elements
Content and Organization of This Book
CCSS and Writing Development
Why Handwriting Instruction Is Important
CCSS Related to Handwriting
Foundations of Handwriting Instruction
Essential Elements of Handwriting Instruction
Instructional Decisions for Handwriting
Building Best Instructional Practices into the Curriculum
Handwriting Instruction in the Age of Keyboarding
Differentiating Handwriting Instruction
Why Spelling Instruction Is Important
Foundations of Spelling Instruction
Essential Elements of Spelling Instruction
Differentiating Spelling Instruction
5. Teaching Sentence Construction
Why Teaching the Basics of Composition Is Important
CCSS Related to Beginning Composition
Essential Elements of Teaching Students to Write Sentences
Differentiating Sentence Writing Instruction
6. Genre‑Specific Writing Instruction
CCSS Related to Genre‑Specific Composition
Essential Elements of Genre‑Specific Writing Instruction
Differentiating Instruction
Genre Instruction across the School Year
7. Teaching Students to Write Book Reviews
Lesson Sequence for Teaching Opinion Writing via Book Reviews
8. Teaching Students to Write Narratives
Lesson Sequence for Teaching Narrative via Personal Narratives
9. Teaching Students to Write Descriptions
Lesson Sequence for Teaching Informative Writing via Descriptions
10. Supporting Students with Writing Needs
Types of Writing Difficulties
The Writing Needs of Students with Disabilities
The Writing Needs of Students Who Are English Language Learners
Multi‑Tiered Intervention Systems for Students with Writing Problems
11. Conclusion: Meeting the Challenges of Early Writing Instruction
Four Instructional Challenges
Scheduling Writing Instruction
Appendix A. Letter-Writing Assessment
Appendix B. Sound-Spelling Assessment
Appendix C. Rubrics for Opinion Texts
Appendix D. Rubrics for Narrative Texts
Appendix E. Rubrics for Informative/Explanatory Texts