This authoritative book reviews current cognitive-behavioral models of OCD and delineates an innovative, theoretically and empirically grounded approach to assessment and treatment. Leading scientist-practitioner David A. Clark first elaborates and refines existing theories of obsessions and compulsions. He then spells out effective strategies for assessing client needs, developing a clear case formulation, implementing an array of cognitive and behavioral interventions, and troubleshooting potential difficulties. Illustrated with extensive clinical material, the volume is practical and user-friendly. Reproducible appendices feature over a dozen rating scales, client handouts, and homework tasks.
CH$CHAPTER 2. Phenomenology of Obsessions and Compulsions
Theory and Research
CH$CHAPTER 3. Behavioral Perspectives on OCD
CH$CHAPTER 4. Neuropsychology and Information Processing in OCD
CH$CHAPTER 5. Cognitive Appraisal Theories of OCD
CH$CHAPTER 6. Thought Suppression and Obsessions
CH$CHAPTER 7. Cognitive Control: A New Model of Obsessions
PART III Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy
CH$CHAPTER 8. Cognitive-Behavioral Assessment of OCD
CH$CHAPTER 9. Getting Started: Basic Elements and Rationale
CH$CHAPTER 10. Cognitive Restructuring and Generating Alternatives
CH$CHAPTER 11. Empirical Hypothesis Testing
CH$CHAPTER 12. Modifying Secondary Appraisals of Control
CH$CHAPTER 13. Empirical Status and Future Directions