Chapter 3 The surface archaeological record at Fowlers Gap: preservation, exposure and visibility
Assemblage preservation at the FC survey location
Assemblage preservation at the SC survey location
Assemblage preservation at the MD survey location
Assemblage preservation at the ND survey location
Assemblage preservation at the ST survey location
Assemblage preservation at the NN survey location
Assemblage preservation at the FW survey location
Discussion: assemblage preservation at Fowlers Gap
Chapter 4 A chronology of Aboriginal landscape use at Fowlers Gap
Sediment and land surface dating methods
Heat-retainer hearth dating methods
Age determinations at the FC survey location
Age determinations at the SC survey location
Age determinations at the MD survey location
Age determinations at the ND survey location
Age determinations at the ST survey location
Age determinations at the NN survey location
Age determinations at the FW survey location
Synthesis: a chronology of Aboriginal use of landscape at Fowlers Gap
Temporal patterns of hearth construction activity
Spatial patterns of hearth construction activity
Conclusion: episodic and discontinuous visitation over time and space
Chapter 5 Stone artefacts and mobility
Core technology and distribution
Core technology and distribution
Core technology and distribution
Core technology and distribution
Core technology and distribution
Core technology and distribution
Core technology and distribution
Discussion: stone artefacts as indicators of Aboriginal mobility
Chapter 6 Synthesis: spatial and temporal patterns of landscape use by Aboriginal people
Geoarchaeological visibility: why can we see the artefacts?
Temporal patterns: how old is the record of Aboriginal activity?
Behavioural inferences: production and movement of stone artefacts
Occupation versus visitation
Linking temporal scales of interpretation
Aboriginal society: evidence from studying the archaeological record at Fowlers Gap
Archaeological records in the semi-arid zone
Implications for cultural heritage management