Issues in Automated Visual Surveillance
Recognition of Motion in Depth by a Fixed Camera
Segmentation of Blood Vessels in Subtraction Angiographic Images
A Modified Fuzzy C-Means Algorithm for Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Images
Enhancement and Segmentation of Scar Color Images after a Scoliosis Surgery
Accurate Curvilinear Modelling for Precise Measurements of Tubular Structures
Visual Investigation Using Circular Partitioning of Abstract Images
Mapping between Digital and Continuous Projections via the Discrete Radon Transform in Fourier Space
Gesture Classification Using Hidden Markov Models and Viterbi Path Counting
A Fast Skeletonization Method
Image Indexing Technique and Its Parallel Retrieval on PVM
An Efficient Implementation of Max Tree with Linked List and Hash Table
Phase Congruency Detects Corners and Edges
Text String Extraction in Delaunay Triangulation
Dagobert – A New Coin Recognition and Sorting System
A New Shape Matching Measure for Nonlinear Distorted Object Recognition
Virtual Environments/Graphics 1
Rendering of 'Play of Color' using Stratified Model based on Amorphous Structure of Opal
An Experimental Implementation of a Networked Hapto-Acoustic Virtual Reality Environment Applied to Surgical Education Using the High Speed CeNTIE Research Network
Edge-based Non-uniform Light Field Mapping
Contour Tracking without Prior Information
Motion Field Estimation for Temporal Textures
Probabilistic Multiple Cue Integration for Particle Filter Based Tracking
The Parameterization of Joint Rotation with the Unit Quaternion
Improved Automatic Skin Detection in Color Images
Automatic Image Shadow Identification using LPF in Homomorphic Processing System
CT Reconstruction Using FBP with Sinusoidal Amendment for Metal Artefact Reduction
FNS, CFNS and HEIV: Extending Three Vision Parameter Estimation Methods
A Hough Based Eye Direction Detection Algorithm without On-site Calibration
Background Modeling and Subtraction Using a Local-linear-dependence-based Cauchy Statistical Model
Techniques for Accelerated View-Dependent Mesh Refinement
Separating a Colour Texture from an Arbitrary Background
Adapting Interest Point Detection to Illumination Conditions
Maximum-Likelihood Circle-Parameter Estimation via Convolution
Towards Closed Form Solutions to the Multiview Constraints of Curves and Surfaces
Isotropic Subpixel Measurement of Circular Objects
A Novel Edge Enhanced Error Diffusion
Automatic Image Mosaic System Using Image Feature Detection and Taylor Series
Segmentation by Adaptive Prediction and Region Merging
Color Image Segmentation based on Automatic Derivation of Local Thresholds
False-Peaks-Avoiding Mean Shift Method for Unsupervised Peak-Valley Sliding Image Segmentation
Automatic Extraction of Signatures from Bank Cheques and Other Documents
Relative Pose Estimation for Instrumented, Calibrated Imaging Platforms
Dense Disparity Maps Respecting Occlusions and Object Separation Using Partial Differential Equations
A Robust Method for Estimating the Fundamental Matrix
Virtual Environments/Graphics 2
Synthesising Textures Using Variable Neighbourhood Searching
Consistent Presentation of Interactive Virtual Objects in Real Space with 3D Markers –Interactive Virtual Interior Simulation–
Computing Image-Based Reprojection Error on Graphics Hardware
Building Detection Using LIDAR Data and Multispectral Images
Learning Semantic Concepts from Visual Data Using Neural Networks
Algebraic Curve Fitting Support Vector Machines
Testing for Curves in a Binary Image
A Bi-Scale-Space for the Analysis of Blobs
Mixed Texture Composition: Determining the Proportion of Structured and Statistical Components
Fusion of Color Photometric Stereo Method and Slit Pattern Projection Method to Measure Three-Dimensional Shapes of a Human Face
Real-time Surveillance System by Use of the Face Understanding Technologies
Better Compression Rate For Images With The Deployment of ATSVD
Volumetric Medical Imaging Environment
Concept of Color Correction on Multi-Channel CMOS Sensors
Fast Adaptive Algorithm for Time-Critical Color Quantization Application
Compressing Sets of Similar Medical Images Using Multilevel Centroid Technique
Image Ownership Verification via Private Pattern and Watermarking Wavelet Filters
Compression of Dynamic PET Based on Principal Component Analysis and JPEG 2000 in Sinogram Domain
Automatic Fault Detection for 3D Seismic Data
Adaptive Magnetic Resonance Image Denoising Using Mixture Model and Wavelet Shrinkage
Deformalbe Grid in Image Recognition
Epipole Estimation under Pure Camera Translation
Handheld Person Verification System Using Face Image
A Virtual Environment to Simulate the Experience of Psychosis
Fast Circle Detection Using Gradient Pair Vectors
A Region-based Matching Approach for 3D-Roof Reconstruction from HR Satellite Stereo Pair
Robust Face Localisation Using Motion, Colour and Fusion
Heuristics for Image Retrieval Using Spatial Configurations
Extracting Boundaries from Images by Comparing Cooccurrence Matrices
A Mean Eigenwindow Method for Partially Occluded/Destroyed Objects Recognition
Image Matching using TI Multi-wavelet Transform
Two-Level Image Segmentation Based on Region and Edge Integration
A Model Set Based Object Segmentation Method Using Level Set Approach
Multi Resolution Image Segmentation with Border Smoothness for Scalable Object-based Wavelet Coding
Globally Optimal Surfaces by Continuous Maximal Flows
Wideband MC-CDMA and Rake Receivers for UEP with Wavelet Video Transmission over AWGN and Rayleigh Fading Channels
Automatic Adaptive Segmentation of Moving Objects Based on Spatio-Temporal Information
TLIB: A Real-time Computer Vision Library for HCI
ECC Video -An Active Approach for Error Resilience