Chapter 4: The concept of local knowledge in rural Australian fire management
Chapter 5: Social contexts of responses to bushfire threat: a case study of the Wangary fire
Assisting the householder and small business operator
Chapter 6: Prepare, stay and defend or leave early: evidence for the Australian approach
Chapter 7: Property safety: judging structural safety
Chapter 8: Don’t get burnt by the law: the legal implications of the ‘prepare, stay and defend or leave early’ policy
Risk prevention and communication
Chapter 9: Understanding and preventing bushfire arson
Chapter 10: The media and fire services: dealing with conflicting agendas
Chapter 11: Preparing for bushfires: the public education challenges facing fire agencies
Policy and institutional issues
Chapter 12: Using program theory in evaluating bushfire community safety programs
Chapter 13: What should community safety initiatives for bushfire achieve?
Chapter 14: The economics of bushfire management
Chapter 15: Save that brigade! Recruiting and retaining fire service volunteers to protect your community
The future with a warmer climate
Chapter 16: Climate change and community bushfire resilience