6 The world’s great river basins
The Yangtze (Chang Jiang) River
The Murray–Darling River system
The Tigris and Euphrates rivers
The basis of integrated measurement and management
Water accounting and budgets
Our goals for water accounting in Little Swanport
Water accounting advances
Catchment-based water accounts
The natural state of a catchment?
8 An introduction to the Little Swanport catchment
The troubled waters of the Little Swanport
Not top down: nuts and bolts
9 The river system and water management
River ecology: landforms and river flow
Water management: protected environmental values
Environmental water requirements
10 The Little Swanport estuary
Changes in the estuary over the last 7000 years
Catastrophic changes over the last 100 years
Physical and chemical characteristics
Pathogen levels in the estuary
11 Estuarine responses to environmental flows
A short history of the catchment settlement
The first Tasmanians: the Palawa
European colonisation and settlement
Settling the lower catchment
Settling the upper catchment
Land grants and land uses
Places of historical interest
The people and use of natural resources
The catchment communities
14 Communities and values
The residential community in the lower catchment
15 The catchment regional economy
Measuring what is produced
Tasmanian input-output tables
Contributions to the local/regional economy
The lower catchment residential community
Household living cost across the total catchment
Farm expenditure by various categories
16 The Little Swanport water accounts
Introducing the framework
Preliminary water accounts for Little Swanport1
Human impacts on the Little Swanport water cycle
The impact of drought in the Little Swanport catchment
Preventative (defensive) expenditure
The impacts of the drought: in summary
Estimating the value of water when it does not rain