Controlling Invertebrate Pests in Agriculture

Author: Page Jessica; Horne Paul  


Publication year: 2012

E-ISBN: 9780643103368

P-ISBN(Paperback): 9780643103351

Subject: F3 Agricultural Economy;Q959.1 invertebrates;S Agricultural Sciences;S3 Agriculture ( Agronomy );S345 organic agriculture;S43 Disease and Pest Control

Keyword: 无脊椎动物,病虫害及其防治,有机农业,农业经济,农学(农艺学),农业科学

Language: ENG

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Provides a detailed examination of the application of pesticides and how they may be integrated into more holistic approaches.


Disruption of biological control (primary and secondary pests)

Insecticide resistance and beneficial species

Selective insecticides

‘Safe’ insecticides?

Insecticide Resistance Management Strategies (IRM)

Zero tolerance

Pesticides: problems and how they can fit with other management options


Conclusion: minimal pesticide use

3. Pest species

Lifecycles and life stages

Pest response when biological control is disrupted

When classical biological control is lost

When existing biocontrol agents are disrupted

Where do pests come from?

4. Beneficial species (biological control agents)

Predators or parasitoids

Commercially produced beneficials

Examples of commercially available beneficial species


Movement of beneficial species

Naturally occurring beneficial species

Common questions about beneficial species

Effectiveness of biological control

5. Cultural controls

What are cultural controls?

Manipulating non-crop plantings for pest management

Controlling weeds

Plant health

Crop hygiene

Cocoa pod borer

6. Integrating control measures to maximise degree of control

Integrating the three control measures available

The role of monitoring

Making changes in pest management


A crisis in pest control

Two examples of pest control

7. Changes in scientific assessment

Changes in scientific assessment and information loss

Factors influencing successful control of pests

Future strategies

8. Examples of changing pest management: specific crops

Changing to IPM

Where a change to IPM did not work

‘We tried IPM and it did not work’

Successful examples of change to IPM

A final point


Common and scientific names of species mentioned in this book

Species mentioned, listed by scientific name



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