The Power of Distributed Perspectives ( Berlin Studies in Knowledge Research )

Publication series :Berlin Studies in Knowledge Research

Author: Abel Günter;Plümacher Martina  

Publisher: De Gruyter‎

Publication year: 2016

E-ISBN: 9783110493351

P-ISBN(Paperback): 9783110482645

Subject: J062 透视学

Keyword: 政治理论,哲学理论,认识论,社会科学理论与方法论

Language: ENG

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The Berlin Studies in Knowledge Research (BSKR) series aims to foster systematic research into the variety of forms of knowledge as well as to uncover aspects of their underlying unity. The conception of the discipline of epistemology it seeks to promote is a generous-one which encompasses a study of the full variety of forms, practices and dynamics of knowledge, as well as their mutually interacting points of contact and their respective mechanisms of interpenetration. It seeks thereby to bring about a reorientation of the discipline of epistemology, undoing artificial restrictions in its scope and achieving a greater appreciation of the heterogeneity of different forms of knowledge.

The series BSKR is associated with the Innovationszentrum Wissensforschung (IZW) / Center for Knowledge Research at the TU Berlin, Germany.


Distributed Types of Knowledge, Epistemic Perspectives, and Creativity. The Case for Architecture

Wettbewerb im unternehmerischen Handeln

Part II: Interplays

On the Perspectivity of Model Situations

Sehen in der Kunst aus dem Blickwinkel von Produktion und Rezeption. Von meiner künstlerischen Praxis zu deren Reflexion

Too Much or Not Enough – Psychopathological Limits of Distributed Perspectives

Part III: Organization

Distributed Perspectives in Future Workspaces

Neue Dynamiken durch Kooperation – die Hybrid Plattform als inter- und transdisziplinärer Denk- und Forschungsraum

Interprofessional Teamwork in Health and Social Care: Key Tensions and Future Possibilities

On Re-Positioning

Verteiltes Arbeiten und Standardisierung in den Ingenieuranwendungen

Part IV: Dynamics

Constructive Controversy as a Prime Example of “The Power of Distributed Perspectives”: New Developments in Application and Research

Multiperspectivity as Contribution to “Good Governance”. Experiences from the Humboldt-Viadrina Governance Platform

The One True Faith. On the Dynamics of Interreligious Conflicts and Attempts at Reconciliation

Part V: Conflicts

Two in One

From National Sovereignty to Interdependence: New Perspectives of Distributive Justice in the Age of Globalization

Index of Persons

Index of Topics

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