Achieving sustainable cultivation of tomatoes ( 1 )

Publication series :1

Author: Mattoo Dr A. K.;Handa Prof. A. K.;Boote Dr Kenneth  

Publisher: Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing‎

Publication year: 2017

E-ISBN: 9781786760432

P-ISBN(Paperback): 9781786760401

Subject: F3 Agricultural Economy;S-0 General Theory;S4 Plant Protection;S5 Cultivation of Crops;S6 Gardening

Keyword: 园艺,一般性理论,农业经济,农作物,植物保护

Language: ENG

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This book reviews key developments in tomato breeding, including developing improved varieties with desirable traits such as drought or pest resistance. It also discusses ways of improving cultivation techniques as well as pests, diseases and their control.


Part 3 Diseases, pests and weeds


Part 1 Cultivation techniques

Chapter 1 Modelling crop growth and yield in tomato cultivation

1 Introduction

2 Review of tomato crop modelling and introduction of the CROPGRO-Tomato model

3 Important processes and temperature sensitivities in the CROPGRO-Tomato model

4 Integrating temperature effects and simulating growth and yield for tomato crops

5 Water and nitrogen balance in the CROPGRO-Tomato model

6 Illustrating growth dynamics of the CROPGRO-Tomato model and evaluations against field data

7 Simulating tomato growth and yield response under N-limited and water-limited conditions

8 Summary

9 Future trends in research

10 Where to look for further information

11 References

Chapter 2 Optimizing yields in tomato cultivation: maximizing tomato plant use of resources

1 Introduction

2 Factors affecting stomatal opening in tomato plants

3 Interaction of stomatal opening factors

4 Cultivation practices to maximize tomato plant use of resources

5 Evaluation of plant water status

6 Future trends and conclusion

7 Acknowledgements

8 References

Chapter 3 Improving water and nutrient management in tomato cultivation

1 Introduction

2 Overview of tomato production systems

3 Environmental regulations affecting tomato production in the United States

4 Changing approaches to water and nutrient management: from optimizing production to optimizing input efficiency

5 Irrigation management systems for tomato production

6 Optimizing irrigation volumes and scheduling

7 Fertilization in tomato production: introduction and soil sampling

8 Nutrient sources for tomato production

9 Optimizing nitrogen (N) rates

10 Fertilizer recommendations, nutrient uptake and leaching

11 Implications of water and fertilizer use for food safety

12 Teaching water and nutrient management to tomato producers

13 Future trends and conclusion

14 Where to look for further information

15 References

Chapter 4 Organic greenhouse tomato production

1 Introduction

2 Principles and standards of organic greenhouse cultivation

3 Expansion of organic protected tomato cultivation around the world

4 Types of greenhouses used for organic tomato cultivation around the world

5 Productivity and profitability of organic greenhouse tomato production

6 Cultivar and rootstock selection and seedling production

7 Organic greenhouse production systems

8 Fertilisation management

9 Water management

10 Plant protection

11 Health and nutritive value

12 Environmental impact of organic greenhouse tomatoes

13 Future trends and conclusion

14 Where to look for further information

15 References

Part 2 Plant physiology and breeding

Chapter 5 Understanding and improving water-use efficiency and drought resistance in tomato 

1 Introduction

2 Tomato as a genetic model in plant biology

3 Patterns in tomato plant development

4 Water relations in tomato 

5 Natural genetic variation in tomato

6 Case study: Solanum pennellii as a source of drought-resistance

7 Plant development and water relations

8 Future trends and conclusion

9 Where to look for further information

10 References

Chapter 6 Ensuring the genetic diversity of tomato

1 Introduction: key issues relating to the genetic diversity of tomatoes

2 Taxonomy and mating system of tomato and its wild relatives

3 Conservation of tomato genetic resources worldwide

4 Policies affecting access to plant genetic resources

5 Issues affecting the exchange and use of plant genetic resources

6 Phytosanitary requirements for the exchange of plant genetic resources

7 Phytosanitary measures in practice: the case of solanaceous viroids

8 Ways to strengthen sharing of crop genetic resources

9 Summary and future trends

10 Where to look for further information

11 References

Chapter 7 Tomato plant responses to biotic and abiotic stress

1 Introduction

2 Tomato responses to biotic stress

3 Tomato responses to abiotic stresses

4 Stress signalling and stress regulatory networks

5 Future trends

6 Where to look for further information

7 Acknowledgements

8 References

Chapter 8 Developments in tomato breeding: conventional and biotechnology tools

1 Introduction

2 Tomato domestication and breeding

3 Conventional tools in tomato introgression breeding

4 Mutagenesis and tomato mutant libraries

5 Future trends

6 Where to look for further information

7 Conclusion

8 Acknowledgements

9 References

Chapter 9 Advances in marker-assisted breeding of tomatoes

1 Introduction

2 Marker development

3 Populations for mapping

4 Strategies for trait association and GWAS

5 Mapping targeted traits in tomato

6 Selection methods

7 MAS progress in tomato breeding

8 Current developments in tomato breeding

9 Conclusions and future trends

10 Where to look for further information

11 References

Chapter 10 Genetic engineering of tomato to improve nutritional quality, resistance to abiotic and biotic stresses, and for non-food applications

1 Introduction

2 History of tomato transformation and challenges

3 Genetic engineering of tomato for fruit quality and shelf life

4 Abiotic stress tolerance

5 Biotic stress tolerance

6 Tomato as a model system for biopharming

7 Future trends and conclusion

8 Where to look for further information

9 Acknowledgements

10 References

Chapter 11 Developing tomato varieties with improved flavour

1 Introduction

2 Genetic diversity of tomato flavour and consumer expectations

3 Genes and quantitative trait loci affecting flavour

4 Tomato texture

5 New approaches to tomato flavour diversity and genetic control

6 From MAS to genomic selection for flavour breeding

7 Interactions genotype by environment: a tool for breeding good tomatoes

8 Future trends

9 Conclusion

10 Where to look for further information

11 References

Chapter 12 Understanding and improving the shelf life of tomatoes

1 Introduction

2 Natural variability 

3 Ripening mutants 

4 Molecular determinants

5 Role of cell wall proteins 

6 Role of epidermal waxes

7 Hormonal regulation

8 Controlling pathogen-based impairments

9 Pre-harvest strategies

10 Post-harvest chemical application

11 Post-harvest management

12 Conclusion and future trends

13 Where to look for further information

14 Acknowledgements

15 References

Part 3 Diseases, pests and weeds

Chapter 13 Insect-transmitted viral diseases infecting tomato crops 

1 Introduction

2 Viruses transmitted by aphids

3 Transmission by thrips: tomato spotted wilt virus

4 Transmission of Begomoviruses by the tobacco whitefly (Bemisia tabaci)

5 Transmission of RNA viruses by whiteflies

6 Viruses spread by leafhoppers

7 Genetics tools to control viral infestation of tomatoes

8 Future trends and conclusion

9 Where to look for further information

10 References

Chapter 14 Genetic resistance to viruses in tomato

1 Introduction

2 Case study 1: Resistance to TYLCV

3 Case Study 2: Resistance to Tobamoviruses

4 Case study 3: Resistance to TSWV

5 Summary and future trends

6 Acknowledgements

7 Where to look for further information

8 References

Chapter 15 Bio-ecology of major insect and mite pests of tomato crops in the tropics

1 Introduction

2 Aphids

3 Thrips

4 Whitefly

5 Leaf miner

6 South American tomato leaf miner

7 Tomato fruit borer

8 Armyworms

9 Spider mites

10 Conclusions

11 Where to look for further information

12 References

Chapter 16 Integrated pest management in tomato cultivation

1 Introduction

2 Integrated pest management (IPM): overview

3 IPM techniques before the growing season

4 IPM techniques during the growing season

5 Technologies targeting pests that can be used before and during the growing season

6 IPM techniques after the growing season

7 Diagnostics and monitoring for diseases

8 Conclusion and future trends

9 Acknowledgement

10 References

Chapter 17 Developing disease-resistant tomato varieties

1 Introduction

2 Bacterial disease resistance breeding

3 Fungal disease resistance breeding

4 Virus disease resistance breeding

5 Nematode resistance breeding

6 Genetic engineering for developing disease-resistant tomatoes

7 Where to look for further information

8 Future trends and conclusion

9 References

Chapter 18 Integrated weed management in tomato cultivation

1 Introduction

2 Weed communities: the target

3 The effect of weed–crop interference

4 Integrated weed management (IWM)

5 Preventative measures and cultural control: crop rotation and cover crops

6 Cultural control: stale seedbed preparation, cultivar selection, planting, irrigation and fertilization

7 Decision making: weed competition thresholds

8 Direct weed control methods: mulches, solarization, thermal and mechanical methods and hand weeding

9 Chemical weed control

10 Case studies

11 Summary and future trends

12 Where to look for further information

13 References
